Debate Game

Plan of the project “Debate Game” for the 2022-2023 academic year

 Goals work: Forming a new generation of young people who are capable of meeting the demands of the times, who have human values ​​as their companions, look critically at their surroundings, and actively participate in public life. Organize intra-school debate tournaments, identify and encourage excellence. Identifying the best students who protect the honor of the school. Participation of schoolchildren in interschool, district, city, regional, republican, international debate tournaments, achieving the best results through experience exchange.

Expected result: a person inclined to a full life will be formed.

Participants: students, teachers

Responsible persons: Janghazy A.B., Sovet S.B., Sarsenbaeva N.K., Piskentbaeva S.A.

Coordinator: Agadil B.D.


(based on standards and priorities in educational work)

Action/Event Connection with the Development Strategy until 2030 Responsible for implementation Resources (human and material) Monitoring/deadlines-intermediate and final



Success criteria

Expected result

Formation of school values

Completed by/

Progress (completion/non-execution information)

1 «What are debates? Types of debates». Introducing the purpose of the “Debate” project, organizing games between classes


Piskentbayeva S.A. Communication with curators.

Communication with teachers of the Kazakh language and literature, Russian, English.

7-12 grades

October  Formation of school values:

• Patriotism

• Well-being (health, culture, happiness)

• Collaborative culture (respect, openness, responsibility)

• Honesty

• Transparency

• Lifelong learning

• Self-awareness

Reflexive and photo report, posting information on the social network
2 Game among students of 10th grade on the project “Debate”


Introducing the purpose of the “Debate” project, organizing games between classes


Piskentbayeva S.A. Communication with curators.

Communication with teachers of the Kazakh language and literature, Russian, English.

7-12 grades

December  Formation of school values:

• Patriotism

• Well-being (health, culture, happiness)

• Collaborative culture (respect, openness, responsibility)

• Honesty

• Transparency

• Lifelong learning

• Self-awareness

Reflexive and photo report, posting information on the social network
3 «Features of the Debate Game» Introducing the purpose of the “Debate” project, organizing games between classes


Piskentbayeva S.A. Communication with curators.

Communication with teachers of the Kazakh language and literature, Russian, English.

7-12 grades

March  Formation of school values:

• Patriotism

• Well-being (health, culture, happiness)

• Collaborative culture (respect, openness, responsibility)

• Honesty

• Transparency

• Lifelong learning

• Self-awareness

Reflexive and photo report, posting information on the social network
4 «Proof that computer games do more good than harm». Introducing the purpose of the “Debate” project, organizing games between classes


Piskentbayeva S.A. Communication with curators.

Communication with teachers of the Kazakh language and literature, Russian, English.

7-12 grades

May  Formation of school values:

• Patriotism

• Well-being (health, culture, happiness)

• Collaborative culture (respect, openness, responsibility)

• Honesty

• Transparency

• Lifelong learning

• Self-awareness

Reflexive and photo report, posting information on the social network

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