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NIS students in Taraz won prizes at the XIX Republican competition of research projects and creative works “Zerde”.  In the competition among students of grades 2-7, our intellectuals competed in the natural and mathematical direction. As a result, Danial Akylbekovich took the first place in the Stem engineering section of Computer Science Robotics and Almuhammed […]

NIS students were recognized as winners in the Republican competition of scientific projects “Zhas Al-Farabi”

Recently, within the framework of the “Рухани жаңғыру” program, at the 10th Republican Conference of research work of students “Жас Әл-Фараби”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU, students of the NIS in Taraz were awarded prizes and letters of thanks.  As a result of the conference, Tazhikhan Kanat and Kaldybay Baryskhan took the […]

NIS student triumphantly returned from the project” IT Hub battle”🔥

In the competition organized by the Organization of self-government of students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of International Baccalaureate in Astana, the student of our school Tazhikhan Madi won the prize – II place. The competition, which consisted of two stages, was held on the topic “automation of everyday tasks”. The main goal of the […]

🌱NIS students in Taraz turned out to be among the best young geographers and computer scientists in the country.

The final stage of the republican Olympiad in geography and computer science was held in Almaty on the basis of the Haileybury school. All 22 students of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools took prizes, the NIS piggy bank was replenished with 7 gold, 10 silver, 5 bronze medals.   Including Asylkhan Smet-silver medal in geography; Abdimanap Ermakhan-bronze […]

🔥Another victory for NIS students.

🌱RKNP winners in general education subjects: 🔹Fatima Bakirova – 1st place in “Chemistry”; 📌Leaders: Stanislav Olegovich Kotov, Maxim Andreevich Rybalkin. 🔹Amirkhan Aidarkhan – 2nd place in “Informatics”; 🔹Zhangerey Bekbulat – 2nd place in “Informatics”; 📌Leader: Sarsenbek Akniet Shadiyarbekuly. 🔹Dana Mukhamedsharip – 2nd place in “Environmental Protection”; 📌Leader: Inna Valerievna Aksenova. 🔹Aliya Alkan – 3rd place […]

Smart trash bin-a project that won millions!

The Smart Trash Bin project secured a significant victory, clinching top honors and a substantial financial reward at the Shoqan Ecology scientific forum for young scientists.  Among the standout participants from our school were Kaldybai Baryskhan, Koshmambetov Aimer, Tazhikhan Kanat, Zhumakadyr Sultan, and Tazhikhan Madi, whose exceptional research efforts earned them the coveted 1st place. […]

A moment of pride for our school as our dedicated teachers were recognized as winners in the “IMPACT Olympiad” competition.

From January 8 to 13, the VI International Open Creative Competition for teachers of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science, along with coaches of the Olympic reserve, took place at the Almaty Republican School of Physics and Mathematics, with the generous support of the Ministry of Education. This prestigious event brought together approximately 400 teachers and […]

An educational triumph for the NIS community!

A moment of pride for NIS as one of its students achieves remarkable success! Anarbek Arsen Mukhamedalyly, an 11th-grade student of Class “A” at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Taraz, has secured yet another grant, this time from the prestigious Lomonosov Moscow State University. Lomonosov Moscow State University stands as the premier institution among Russian […]

An educational triumph for the NIS community!

Rakhimov Zarifjon, an 11th-grade student at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Taraz, has secured yet another educational grant, this time from the esteemed Lomonosov Moscow State University. Lomonosov Moscow State University, recognized as the premier institution among Russian universities and holding the impressive 97th position globally, is consistently ranked among the top 100 universities in […]

Results of the VXth Eurasian Olympiad in Computer science held among the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Results of the VXth Eurasian Olympiad in Computer science held among the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. From 11 to 12 December on the basis of the International University of Information Technologies in Almaty is held XV Eurasian Olympiad in Computer science among participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The Olympiad is […]

The Regional Youth Forum “Tauelsizdik urpaktary”

The regional youth forum, “Tauelsizdik Urpaktary,” took place in our school with the active participation of the regional Akim, Yerbol Karashokeev. The forum featured the presentation of various projects, including the unveiling of the “Auliata Zhastary” encyclopedia. Kicking off with the introduction of scientific projects by young talents, a total of 15 outstanding projects were […]

“Aulieata Uzdigi-2023”

The Mayor of Zhambyl region, Yerbol Karashukeyev, honored the best young specialists across various fields of activity. Additionally, Bakirova F.R., a 10th-grade student from our school, was acknowledged as the “Best Young Inventor” in her category. The ceremony witnessed the region’s leader presenting diplomas, certificates, and awards to the accomplished individuals who received the youth […]

“The Best Environmental Project”

  Students from our school, Zhumakadyr Sultan, Kaldybai Baryskhan, Tazhihan Kanat, and Tazhihan Madi, secured the top spot in the republican competition “The Best Organization of Environmental Education,” specifically in the category of “The Best Environmental Project.” Their project, titled “Future Solar Power Plant,” introduced an innovative approach to electricity generation utilizing solar panels. The […]

Taraz City Military Hospital and NIS in Taraz have formalized their collaboration by signing a memorandum of cooperation.

Taraz City Military Hospital and NIS in Taraz have formalized their collaboration by signing a memorandum of cooperation. This significant agreement serves as a foundation for fostering deeper ties between the two entities. The primary objectives of this memorandum include: 1. Enhancing Military-Patriotic Education: The collaboration aims to strengthen the military-patriotic education of young individuals, […]

Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz (NISH) welcomed back its alumni for the SAMGAU forum, catering to students in grades 9-12, graduates, and teachers

Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz (NISH) welcomed back its alumni for the SAMGAU forum, catering to students in grades 9-12, graduates, and teachers. This event, spanning 22 Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools nationwide, serves not only as a reunion but also as a platform for professional guidance. Distinguished alumni shared insights on university admissions, international exam preparation […]

Students from the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Taraz achieved a significant feat by securing a bronze medal at the “Infomatrix-Asia 2023” international IT project competition

Students from the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Taraz achieved a significant feat by securing a bronze medal at the “Infomatrix-Asia 2023” international IT project competition. Seydashim Nurzhigit, Damir Yerdaulet, and Kim Vladislav presented their innovative NomadAI project in the Computer Programming section, competing against approximately 45 teams from across Asia. Damir […]

Жалпы білім беретін пәндер бойынша республикалық ғылыми жобалар байқауының жеңімпаздары мен жүлдегерлері

«Өлкетану» секциясы бойынша Үшінші орын Жибек Турарова – Тараздағы NIS Мансур Талипбек – Тараздағы NIS Жеңістеріңіз құтты болсын!

Жалпы білім беретін пәндер бойынша республикалық ғылыми жобалар байқауының жеңімпаздары мен жүлдегерлері

«Қолданбалы математика» секциясы бойынша Екінші орын Аружан Жақсылық – Тараздағы NIS Әлназар Маратұлы – Тараздағы NIS Жеңістеріңіз құтты болсын!  

Международный семинар

3-4 апреля 2023 года в городе Алматы #UNESCOClubsKZ совместно с @unescoalmaty и НацКомиссией РК по делам ЮНЕСКО и ИСЕСКО был организован Международный семинар по повышению осведомленности об Образовании в интересах Устойчивого Развития (ОУР) «Трансформация образования: координация, разработка и внедрение». В течении двух дней программы спикеры из стран Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона и сертифицированные эксперты ЮНЕСКО поделились опытом […]

Pupils of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz took prizes in the Republican Olympiad

Smet Asylkhan – 1st place Rustemova Ayazhan – 2nd place Ulan Ayala – 3rd place Three students who defended the name of the school tried their luck in geography and biology and took to the podium. We heartily congratulate all the winners!

NIS интегрирует Казахстан в мировое образовательное пространство

Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы получили престижную европейскую сертификацию, которая подтвердила мировые стандарты NIS В штаб-квартире ACQUIN (Германия) Куляш Шамшидиновой вручено свидетельство о новой сертификации Центра педагогического мастерства NIS. В немецком Байройте в штаб-квартире ACQUIN председателю правления АОО «Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы» Куляш Шамшидиновой вручено свидетельство о новом достижении Центра педагогического мастерства. Это – безусловная сертификация актуальной программы […]

OTANYŃDY SUI, ÄLEMDI ÖZGERT, ADAL BOL – знаковые принципы «Alumni NIS» прозвучали на встрече выпускников Назарбаев Интеллектуальных школ во Франкфурте-на-Майне

Знаковые принципы «Alumni NIS» – OTANYŃDY SUI, ÄLEMDI ÖZGERT, ADAL BOL – прозвучали во время встречи выпускников Назарбаев Интеллектуальных школ в Генеральном Консульстве Республики Казахстан во Франкфурте-на-Майне. – Я долго ждала большой возможности, чтобы на собственном примере рассказать, как NIS стали для меня настоящим социальным лифтом и подарили главные возможности, – призналась студентка Hochschule Rhein-Waal […]

Ученики NIS города Тараз приняли участие в библиографий на тему «Асқар тау алыстаған сайын көріне түседі», посвященной 125-летию Мухтара Ауэзова

В Жамбылской областной универсальной научной библиотеке имени Шокана Уалиханова к 125-летнему юбилею классика казахской литературы, общественного деятеля, доктора филологических наук, профессора Мухтара Ауэзова была организована библиография на тему «Асқар тау алыстаған сайын көріне түседі». В мероприятии приняли участие ученики 10 «Н» класса Агадил Багдаулет, Абдулла Айлара, Амангельды Нурислам, Охапов Ансар, Аманжол Жангали, Азимхан Рамазан, Аблек […]

Day of Languages ​​of the Peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Language is the history of the people, language is a national treasure and language is our honour. We sincerely congratulate you on today’s Day of languages. This year, as a part of the celebration of languages, various events are held in different parts of our country. This day is very important for our school, as […]


Летом 2021 года прошёл курс по «Дизайн-мышлению»  при поддержке Фонда Girls Power и National Alumni Network. По его окончанию 9 октября прошёл оффлайн-хакатон по решениям социальных проблем на котором, девушкам предлагались различные кейсы, решение которых они должны были предложить в течении 3 часов. По результатам  старт ап хакатона команда  NIS Power AIKI Team Машанло Камилла, […]


Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептерінде 2021 жылғы «Туған елге тағзым» өлкетану-зерттеу экспедициясы аясында шығармашылық жұмыстар мен жобалардың желілік байқауы қорытындыланды. Биыл екінші рет өткен дәстүрлі экспедицияда тараздық 35 оқушы  27 зерттеу жұмыстары таныстырды. Мектепшілік кезеңнен іріктеліп шыққан жұмыстар – «Туған өлкем-жұмақ мекен», «Ұлт руханияты-бабалар аманаты», «Селт еткізер-ерен той», «Туған жерім-тұғырым», «Өндірістік инновация кепілі-зияткерлік әлеует», «Әлеуметтік кәсіпкерлік және […]

Білікті ұстаз – білімді ұрпақ кепілі!

30 қыркүйек  күні Тараз қаласындағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінің ұстаздары «Ауыл мектебі» жобасы аясында Б. Бесбаев және Н. Ақшабаев мектептерінің ұжымына арнап семинар ұйымдастырды. Іс-шараның басты мақсаты – ауыл мектептері кадрларының біліктілігін арттыруға әдістемелік қолдау көрсету, оқушылардың сау-саламаттылығын қамтамасыз ету және балалардың білімін халықаралық стандарттар талаптарына сәйкестендіру бағытында  зияткерлік мектептегі үздік тәжірибелермен бөлісу болатын. Іс-шара үш […]

Серіктестік ынтымақтастықтың жаңа қадамы

Teachers and students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Taraz held an online meeting with Dumas High School in Arkansas, USA. The main purpose of this meeting is to introduce students to global citizenship, to establish partnerships in the field of education, culture, and technology, introducing the national values of our country to foreign students. […]

Student of NIS Taraz – winner of the Olympiad in programming

A student of the twelfth grade of NIS Taraz Timur Amangeldiev took the second place in the final stage of the Republican Olympiad in Programming AITU iCode. Also, the organizer of the Olympiad Astana IT University provided Timur with a grant for the entire period of study at this university. Timur himself admits that participating […]

At once 7 medals of the International Scientific Conference were won by students of NIS Taraz

At the International Scientific Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren “Satpayev readings”, students of the Intellectual School of Taraz won 2 gold, 4 silver and 1 bronze. Winners of the 1st place Zakirkhan Zh.E., Zhaksylykova M.E., Zhumagali A.A., Anarbayeva A.A., Narshibayeva N.T., winners of the 2nd place Sherkhan A.E., Narshibayeva N.T., Nurzhanov M., […]

Best «Online Mektep» projects identified

The results of the 2020-2021 academic year in the mode of distance learning in the context of the pandemic were summed up at the online pedagogical conference organized by the Bilim Land company, the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO and the Elbasy Academy. The conference announced the names of the best subject developers of the Online […]

“Algys” from rural teachers

Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz received gratitude from the staff of rural schools of Zhambyl region for stable and successful work in the direction of spreading best practices. Yesterday, on May 18, teachers of Intellectual schools within the framework of the project” Auyl Mektebi ” organized seminars and master classes, where they shared their knowledge […]

Команда NIS Тараз стала победителем в Российском онлайн-хакатоне

Учащиеся Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы г. Тараз вошли в число призеров онлайн хакатона «Hackathon </beCoder> 2021». Участники команды: Саяжан Онласын, Султан Мустафин, Данияр Егеубай, Азат Кажымухан, принявшей участие в мероприятии, организованном Санкт-Петербургским Политехнологическим университетом стали финалистами и награждены специальной номинацией. На международном Хакатоне учащиеся получили бизнес-кейс и где, в течении 36 часов программировали модель данного кейса […]

Effective leadership – a successful school

The Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Taraz, together with the regional educational and methodological office, held a planned workshop on the dissemination of best practices. The event was attended by teachers of schools in the city and all districts of the region. The total number was about 700 teachers. At the seminar, not only teachers of […]

Students of NIS Taraz are among the winners of the IT Hackathon

The winners of the traditional HackNU hackathon organized by the Nazarbayev University included students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz. Students and schoolchildren of Kazakhstan and foreign educational institutions solved the business problems of large IT companies – Google, BTS Digital, Facebook and Microsoft. Sultan Mustafin, Azat Kazhimukhan and Sayazhan Onlasyn presented their solution […]

“Elbasy Medal” – for young patriots

On the eve of Nauryz, the “Elbasy Medal” was awarded to 10 students of NIS Taraz, who distinguished themselves by their work and showed their abilities within the framework of the project. – By participating in the challenge, we were able not only to improve ourselves, but also to find new friends with whom we […]

Жамбылдық өрендер планетаны пластиктен құтқаруға үлес қосуда

Бүгін – NIS жүйесінде көктемнің игі дәстүріне айналған Наурыз кездесулерінің 3-ші күні өтуде. Осымен оныншы рет ұйымдастырылған шараның биылғы тақырыбы жер шарының жасыл болашағы мен экологиялық мәдениетке арналды. Жылдың басты кездесуіне Жамбылдан жиырма өрен қатысуда. Олардың 10-ы Тараздағы Зияткерлік мектеп оқушылары болса, 10-ы аймақтың жалпы білімі беретін мектептерінен. Солардың бірі Шу ауданы Е.Бекмаханов атындағы орта […]

CASPIAN STARTUP – 2021: «Возобновляемые источники энергии»

Назарбаев Интеллектуальная школа города Актау начинает международный конкурс CASPIAN STARTUP – 2021. Третий CASPIAN STARTUP в связи пандемией пройдет в комбинированном формате, регистрация и отборочные туры предполагаются в онлайн формате, десять лучших финалистов смогут защитить свои проекты перед экспертами и жюри. Планируется, что в международном конкурсе примут участие не только казахстанские ученики, но и школьники […]

Ayana’s work was awarded the gold medal of the creative competition

Ninth-grader of the Taraz NIS Ayana Aizharyk won the republican creative contest “Unforgettable December”, dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the December events. Ayana’s work “Kokpar”, filled with leather, was awarded the gold medal of the competition. – Making leather goods is a kind of creativity that allows you not only to spend time usefully, […]

Parent University: How can I help my child choose a profession?

Choosing a profession is one of the most important stages in the life of every child. And the help of parents in solving it is simply invaluable. At the next lesson of the Parent University, moms and dads learned how to deal with the interests of the child for the future profession and how to […]

What did the TEDx NIS Taraz speakers talk about?

This time, junior students showed the greatest interest in the conference. And they talked about a wide variety of topics: the moral precepts of Abai, the systematic error of the survivor, the fear of choice. In ten minutes of her speech, speaker Balzhan Serzhankyzy was able to briefly and clearly convey to the audience the […]

NIS Taraz students among the winners of the network Olympiad

At once six students of the Taraz NIS of the physics and mathematics direction won medals of the network Olympiad in the subjects of the natural and mathematical direction. Silver was won by Aida Chinalieva, Asylkhan Smet and Ayazhan Rustemova, bronze was awarded to Timur Amangeldiev, Yerasyl Pirzhanov and Alikhan Kalmakhanbet. The names of the […]

Startup project of NIS Taraz students won $1000

The team of NIS Taraz students UnApp Space won the annual Techstars StartUp Weekend competition, received a $ 1000 grant for the development of the project and will represent the country at the Central Asian stage at the end of March. The competition was organized by one of the largest startup incubators in Kazakhstan – […]

Белые розы благодарности

День благодарности в Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школе города Тараз наполнился ароматом белых роз. Ученики поздравили около 30 работников технического персонала школы и интерната, вручив им белые розы. Сюрпризом для них стала концертная программа, в которой прозвучали на домбре и кобызе знаменитые кюи Нургисы Тлендиева «Аққу» и «Әлқисса». Поступили теплые видеопоздравления и от родителей. Директор школы Тимур […]

Teacher practice research: how to formalize the results of achieving the PDG?

In Taraz NIS was organized a series of methodological sections for teachers together with NU, which aims to improve the quality of publications and research of teachers in journals with a high impact factor. The first methodological section was devoted to the topic: “Writing articles for scientific publications: case studies and systematic literature reviews”. On […]

Выступай без страха: уроки ораторского мастерства от Эльмиры Найзабековой

Учащиеся, учителя и родители NIS в Таразе освоили основы  древнего мастерства публичного выступления и убеждения словом – ораторского искусства. Уроки ораторства в «Умный четверг» провела сертифицированный тренер Московского Университета риторики и ораторского мастерства, тренер Академии ораторского мастерства и бизнеса «NAIZA» Эльмира Найзабекова. Эльмира Дуйсенбековна посоветовала слушателям не выходить на сцену, пока нет опыта успешных выступлений, […]

Дневник сетевой олимпиады 26.02.2021

Любовь к английскому языку объединила три Аружан в Олимпиаде Интересный факт сегодняшнего дня – в Олимпиаде по английскому языку приняли участие  сразу три Аружан из Тараза: Аружан Жаксылык, Аружан Досходжаева, Аружан Нурманова. Помимо одинаковых имен их объединяет любовь к английскому языку. Подтверждение этому высокие показатели IELTS – 7,0 баллов у А.Досходжаевой и А.Нурмановой. Аружан Жаксылык […]

Дневник сетевой олимпиады 25.02.2021

Путешествие во времени вместе с Жанбике Ученица 11 класса Жанбике Жекешова обучается в Интеллектуальной школе Нур-Султана, однако сегодня она выполнила задания олимпиады в Таразе. Как это случилось вы спросите, возможно, Жанбике умеет путешествовать во времени? – Заявку на участие в Олимпиаде я подала еще во время учебы в NIS в Таразе. Потом по семейным обстоятельствам […]

Diary of the Network Olympiad 24.02.2021

Zhangerei Bekbulat: “Ak bata from grandparents – my talisman of good luck»   Zhangerei Bekbulat, a student of the 8th grade of Taraz NIS, has a great hope for victory today. Confidence was given to him by his good preparation for the Olympiad and the morning ak bata from his grandparents: – The support and […]

Rural school teachers hone their skills with NIS teachers

Today, the teachers of Taraz NIS held online seminar for teachers of rural schools. The event within the framework of the project “Auyl mektebi” was organized with the support of the regional educational and methodological cabinet. The seminar was attended by about 70 teachers of the school-gymnasium named after B.Besbayev and the secondary school named […]

Diary of the Network Olympiad 23.02.2021

– Since March, I plan to open a circle for preparing for the Olympiad for elementary school students, – says Amirzhan Bekbanov, a three-time participant of the Network Olympiad, a student of the 11th grade. – I think I’ve gained enough experience, it’s time to share what you know, – he added. Akbota Keneshan, a […]

Diary of Network Olympiad 22.02.2021

Today, the participants of the Network Olympiad from the Taraz NIS started solving problems in chemistry and biology. The Olympiad consisted of two rounds, the duration of which was about 4 hours. On the first day their knowledge in the subjects tested Inkar Inayatkyzy, Bakytzhan Yeshenkul, Ayazhan Rustemova, Altynay Sauranbayeva, Mukhamedali Tuytebaev, Kalmukhamed Zhumabek, Arnat […]

Took place the opening of the NIS Network Olympiad

Today was the grand opening of the traditional network Olympiad among students of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, which will last from February 22 to March 3. At the network stage of NIS, Taraz will be represented by 27 students who will demonstrate their knowledge in 11 subjects. The jury consisted of NIS graduates, who in different […]

A seminar was held with the participation of 500 teachers of the region

What are the ways to improve the teaching experience? How to properly provide methodological support to young professionals? How to develop students’ research skills? Within the framework of these questions, teachers of NIS Taraz spoke during the workshop. About 500 teachers of the region took part in the event to broadcast the experience, organized by […]

Young researchers of NIS Taraz became winners of the republican contest of scientific projects

Research works of students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Taraz won prizes in the republican contest of scientific projects “Daryn”. Students of the 12th grade Balnur Ibrash and Aruzhan Zhaksylyk, who presented the work “A promising tourist route: Botamoinak-the settlement of Taraz ” in the direction of “Local History”, won silver medals. The work […]

What and where to study after school?: graduates shared their experience

Graduates of different years of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz told about the subtleties of admission to foreign and Kazakh universities during the meeting “Menin mamandygym-menin bolashagym!”. The meeting was held with students of grades 10-12. Aidana Smat (City University of Hong Kong), Diana Besterekova (Minerva Schools at KGI), Nurtore Amangeldi (Nazarbayev University), Kymbat […]

How do NIS Taraz psychologists use their knowledge and capabilities in the current situation

The answer to this question was shared by teachers-psychologists of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz during a training webinar for teachers-psychologists of secondary schools in the region. Employees of the NIS psychological service, represented by Natalia Balakina, Nurbanu Baitelieva and Irina Magay, presented their colleagues with material from the experience of working with students […]

New creative success of NIS Taraz students and teachers

Students and teachers of the Intellectual School of Taraz never cease to amaze with their creative achievements and successes. The work of the teacher of additional education Indira Gubasheva took the 1st place in the International remote Creativity Competition “Rive de Reve/The shore of dreams”. Students who attend the Hand Craft circle take an example […]

“Smart Thursday” with Zhuldyz Makatayev

” My biggest happiness in life is you, my people, And if my people live, it means that I live too. I give the honey of my poems to my nation This simple happiness means more than gold to me”, lines from the famous work of Mukagali Makatayev ” Three happy things “, deeply imbued […]

Сетевой блиц-турнир определил «Лучшего мукагаливеда»

Учащиеся Назарбаев Интеллектуальных школ сразились в знаниях в сетевом блиц-туринире «Лучший мукагаливед», организованный воспитателями и учителями казахского языка и литературы таразской NIS в рамках месячника, посвященного 90-летию М.Макатаева. Целью турнира являлась пропаганда произведений поэта среди учащихся  и повышение их интереса к поэзии. Всего в интеллектуальном бою приняло участие 19 школьников, которые продемонстрировали знания по 4 […]

Who is smarter?: NIS Taraz students compete in IQ game

  The participants of the IQ competition were 25 seventh-graders of the school, who formed 5 teams. Players were asked questions of different levels of complexity and fields of science, and received a number of logical video questions. There was a fighting atmosphere, and the guys were full of excitement and desire to win. As […]

Mukagali Makatayev-90 years old: the anniversary month has started at the Intellectual School of Taraz

Since the first days of February, the month of celebrating the 90th anniversary of Mukagali Makatayev has officially started at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz. A number of action plans have been approved, and educational programs have been developed in various areas. The anniversary month will be held within the framework of the theme […]

Competition “Zerde”: Aymer Kosmambetov became the winner

Aymer Koshmambetov, a student of the 7th grade of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz, won the XVI republican competition of research projects and creative works of students of grades 1-7 “Zerde”. Aimer won the silver medal of the competition, successfully defending his research paper “Creating a solar air collector from controllers based on the […]

Students presented their ideas at the school’s online TEDx conference

On January 29, 3 students of the school presented interesting and advanced ideas at the TEDx NIS Taraz virtual platform. They presented their reports live on the Teams platform, thanks to which dozens of other students of the school were able to see the speakers’ speeches. The first of the announced speakers were made by […]

Teacher from Zhualy becoming more familiar with effective ways of learning

Today, at the Zoom site was held a meeting of teachers of the Taraz Intellectual school and school teachers of the Zhualy district. The event in the format of a practical webinar was organized on the basis of a memorandum concluded between the two organizations in order to establish mutual cooperation, improve the effectiveness of […]

Teachers of NIS Taraz presented their research within the framework of the initiative “Leadership of Teachers of Kazakhstan»

Teachers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz presented 6 projects in the online Interscholastic Meeting No. 2 within the framework of the International Project “TLK-Leadership of Teachers of Kazakhstan”. Mathematics teachers Kanat Karazhigitova, Rysbek Zhusipnazarov, Gulnur Akhmedieva, Rai Daniyarbek, physics teachers Aigul Umiraliyeva and Lyazzat Augambayeva, as well as English teacher Anar Ismagulova shared […]

Events on the project “Rural school” continued in Teams

С целью сокращения разрыва в качестве образования между городскими и сельскими школами, в пилотном режиме реализуется проект «Сельская школа». В рамках проекта Назарбаев Интеллектуальная школа Тараза систематически проводит семинары по трансляции опыта в сельские школы Жамбылской области. Одна из таких встреч прошла сегодня на платформе Teams в формате вебинара. В вебинаре приняли участие директора и […]

Teachers of the region got acquainted with the peculiarities of the organization of educational work in distance learning

On January 22, 2020, in accordance with the plan of work with general education schools in Taraz and Zhambyl region, was held a webinar for school teachers, methodologists for educational work of education departments, deputy directors for educational work, class teachers and mentors. The online event on the topic “Organization of educational work in distance […]

More than 1,200 teachers of the region have improved their skills

Today has finished its work a practical seminar for teachers of general education organizations of the Zhambyl region on the topic “Effective teaching methods in the framework of the updated content of education”. On the second day of the event, teachers of mathematics, computer science, chemistry, Russian and English languages of the Intellectual School shared […]

Teachers of the region are offered effective teaching methods

Today, the regional practical seminar “Effective teaching methods in the framework of the updated content of education” for teachers of secondary schools of the region has started its work in the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz. The seminar was aimed at improving the professional competencies of teachers in order to introduce a program of updated […]

“Smart Thursday” by Vladislav Ten

Students and teachers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz met with the director of the Lingvaten Language Center in Nur-Sultan, polyglot Vladislav Ten, on “Smart Thursday”. Today Vladislav teaches the Kazakh language to Kazakhstanis who do not speak the state language, as well as English and Korean languages in his center. Along with the […]

Teachers of NIS Taraz won nine medals at the international competition

Teachers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz won nine prizes at the III International Open Creative Competition of teachers and coaches of the Olympic Reserve of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science – IMPACT Olympiad. Computer teacher Akniet Sarsenbek took first place and won “gold”; the mathematics teacher Moldir Tastanbekova and physics teacher Elmira Kusbekova […]

Teachers of NIS Taraz shared the results of their research

On January 13, this year, the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz hosted an online mini-conference – “Fair of Ideas”, dedicated to the interim analysis of the effectiveness of intra-school courses on teachers ‘research” Action research. Lesson Study. Hertscam». The event was attended by 18 research groups consisting of 46 teachers-students of intra-school courses. – The […]

Продолжается прием документов претендентов

В Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школе г.Тараз идет прием документов учащихся, претендующих на обучение в 7 классе. Прием документов осуществляется со 2 декабря 2020 года по 23 января 2021 года. В этом году для обеспечения безопасности и соблюдения санитарных требований в период карантинных ограничений в Интеллектуальной школе был запущен сервис онлайн-бронирования, который позволит заранее забронировать дату и […]

Ученица таразской NIS награждена «Медалью Елбасы»

Ученица Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы города Тараз Сания Қайнарқызы получила медаль самого крупного челленджа страны – «Медаль Елбасы». Торжественное награждение прошло с участием акима области Бердибека Сапарбаева во время форума «Тәуелсіздік жолын жалғастырар ұрпақ». – Участвуя в этом челлендже, я смогла не только самосовершенствоваться, но и обрела новых друзей, с которыми у нас общие интересы. Прежде […]

Passed the second module of the Parent University

The second module of the Parent University was held at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Taraz. At the event, organized in the format of a TV broadcast was discussed the topic “Psychological and pedagogical support”. Parents of students in grades 7-12 joined the TV show online. Honorary veterans of the field of education Gulziya Zaurbekova […]

NIS Taraz student is invited to study at New York University in Abu Dhabi

A student of the 12th grade of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Taraz Balnur Ibrash learned that she became a student of New York University in Abu Dhabi (UAE) from an official letter, and the amount of the grant won was $77,000 for one year of study. – After graduation, I will continue my studies […]

Employees of the hostel of the Intellectual School in Taraz held a master class for colleagues from Nur-Sultan and Karaganda

Tutors and assistants of tutors of the Taraz Intellectual School dormitory held an online master for colleagues from Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools in Nur-Sultan and Karaganda. During the master class, the purpose of which was to exchange experience with wet and dry wool and create a platform for mutually beneficial cooperation was demonstrated felting technologies, experience […]

Образование в новой реальности

Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы начинают проект, посвященный юбилею Ибрая Алтынсарина.⠀⠀ В автономной организации образования «Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы» начинается реализация проекта «Образование в новой реальности», посвященного 180-летию Ибрая Алтынсарина.⠀⠀ Главным событием юбилейной программы станет открытие онлайн-площадки педагогического мастерства Ибрая Алтынсарина, на которой выступят известные учителя. Первыми будут приглашены обладатели нагрудного знака «Ы. Алтынсарин» Министерства образования и науки. […]

Students of Intellectual schools of Taraz and Aktobe gathered at an online meeting

Independence Day the students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz and Aktobe gathered in the online meeting. The meeting was organized by the joint efforts of teachers-organizers-curators of the two educational institutions. Students watched a video that introduces them to the history of independence, answered intellectual questions through the “Kahut” program. Student of NIS Aktobe […]

Was held TEDx conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly

Students of secondary education organizations of Zhambyl region gathered at the TEDx conference “Bauyrzhan Momyshuly: personality, patriot, strategist”, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the great commander and batyr. The online event, organized by the regional educational and methodological office and the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Taraz, was attended by students of 7 schools named […]

Students of NIS Taraz became winners of the competition of projects and creative works

Yesterday, the network competition of projects and creative works presented within the framework of the local history and research expedition of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools “Tugan Elge Tagzym-2020” came to an end. On the remote contest featured 200 projects and creative works in 6 nominations. Among the winners of the competition, which lasted four days, there […]

Семейный проект ученика NIS города Тараза – номинант конкурса инженерного творчества ⠀

Машина Голдберга, созданная семейной командой ученика 11-класса NIS города Тараза Нурболата Рыскельдинова победила в номинации «Лучшая презентация» конкурса инженерного творчества Назарбаев Интеллектуальных школ.⠀ Согласно заданию конкурса командам необходимо было спроектировать механизм, который финальным действием нажимает на дозатор для антисептика. Тема задания актуальная и логичная в контексте пандемии – «Дезинфекция рук – залог здоровья». – Когда […]

Туған елге тағзым – 2020

Вчера прошла торжественная церемония открытия сетевого дистанционного конкурса проектов и творческих работ участников исследовательской краеведческой экспедиции «Туған елге тағзым». ⠀ ⠀Проект, который реализуется с 2012 года, впервые проходит в дистанционном режиме с рекордным количеством участников и проектов. Всего жюри предстоит рассмотреть более двухсот работ. В ближайшие дни юные исследователи Назарбаев Интеллектуальных школ представят на конкурс […]

Учащиеся NIS Тараз – лучшие молодые учёные СНГ- 2020

Учащиеся Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы города Тараз признаны победителями международного проекта «Лучший молодой ученый – 2020», организованного среди научно-образовательных заведений СНГ. Ученик 11-класса Нуркелди Ермекбай и ученица 12-класса Ардак Алипова победили в международном проекте, опередив 1200 участников из 9 стран. Первое место им принес проект под названием «Использование формулы Муавра при описании равновесия системы». Научными руководителями […]

Прошел праздничный эфир ко Дню Первого Президента

В преддверии Дня Первого Президента РК в таразской Интеллектуальной школе прошел праздничный эфир «Тәуелсіз Қазақстанның қалыптасуындағы Ұлт көшбасшысы Н.А.Назарбаевтың рөлі». Телеэфир был открыт государственным гимном и продолжился хронологией достижений страны при Лидере нации. Был проведен обзор флешмоба домбристов разных лет, также учащиеся исполнили песни и кюи. Одни учащиеся рассказали наизусть крылатые слова Елбасы, а другие […]

Подписан двусторонний меморандум

В целях налаживания прямого и взаимного сотрудничества, повышения эффективности методической и научно-исследовательской работы в сфере образования подписан двусторонний меморандум между руководителем Отдела образования Жуалынского района Назилей Турмаханбетовой и  директором Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы города Тараз Тимуром Нуркешовым. В рамках взаимосогласованного меморандума проведен семинар для руководителей образовательных учреждений в соответствии с совместным планом учебной, воспитательной, научной и […]

Тараздағы Зияткерлік мектепте Тұңғыш Президент күнін тойлау онкүндігі басталды

Тараз қаласындағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінде Тұңғыш Президент күнін тойлау онкүндігі бастау алды. Мерекелік шаралар тізбегін жатақхана тәрбиешілерінің оқушылармен өткізген «Елбасы бастамасы Қазақстан тарихында» онлайн викторинасы ашты. Қатысушылар Н.Назарбаевтың өмір жолынан бастап, әлем тарихында қалатын бастамалары жайында сұрақтарға жарыса жауап берді. Мерекелік жоспардағы бірегей әрі дәстүрлі шара – домбырашылар флешмобы. Қарашаның соңғы күні бір мезетте 30-ға […]

Проект «100 казахских песен» прошел в онлайн формате

В рамках проекта Назарбаев Интеллектуальных школ «100 казахских» Интеллектуальная школа Тараза провела онлайн-мероприятие под названием «История одной песни». В ходе мероприятия учащиеся школы приняли участие в игре «Угадай мелодию!», а также обсудили историю возникновения песни «Сагындым Алматымды» на музыку Алтынбека Корозбаева и слова Серикбая Оспанова. Проект «100 казахских песен» в Интеллектуальных школах является одним из […]

Обусждены методы повышения качества библиотечного обслуживания

Старший педагог-библиотекарь Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы в Таразе Асель Журумбаева поделилась опытом работы с методистами и работниками библиотек областных и городских организаций профессионального образования на тему «Создание информационно-образовательной среды и повышение качества обслуживания библиотеки в новых условиях». Обмен опытом состоялся в ходе вебинара «Роль библиотеки в повышении информационного пространства организации образования», организованного методическим отделом областного управления […]

Проведен областной практический семинар

Назарбаев Интеллектуальная школа в Таразе совместно с учебно-методическим кабинетом управления образования акимата Жамбылской области провели областной онлайн-практический семинар на тему «Актуальность проектов по воспитательной работе Назарбаев Интеллектуальных школ». Слушателями семинара были заместители директоров по воспитательной работе, классные руководители организаций среднего образования. Всего по области приняли участие 311 педагогов. Работа семинара была направлена на создание нового […]

Ученики НИШ Тараз получили два призовых места на Фестивале инновационных проектов

Ученики НИШ Тараз получили два призовых места на Фестивале-выставке инновационных проектов Enactus Kazfest 2020. Проект Unifi занял 1-ое место в социально-экономической номинации. Unifi – это платформа, где каждый выпускник школы сможет быстро и легко подобрать оптимальные для поступления университеты. Менеджер проекта Инкар Ибрагим поделилась о проекте: – Мы создаем продукт, который упрощает процесс поступления в […]

Учащиеся НИШ г.Тараз показали хорошие результаты на экзамене IELTS

Учащиеся выпускных классов Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы Тараза продемонстрировали хорошие результаты на международном экзамене IELTS. В языковом тестировании приняли участие 119 учащихся, из них 8 выпускников набрали 8,0 баллов, 33 выпускника – 7,5 баллов, 34 выпускников – 7,0 баллов, 24 выпускников – 6,5 баллов, у 17 учащихся 6,0 баллов и 3 учащихся получили 5,5 баллов. По […]

«Ауыл мектебі» жобасы аясында мектеп әкімшілігіне арналған тағылымдамалар жалғасын тапты

Ел Президенті Қ.Тоқаев 2019 жылдың 2 қыркүйегіндегі жолдауында қалалық және ауылдық мектептер арасындағы білім сапасындағы айырмашылықты азайту мәселесін қозғады.  Осы орайда аймақтық әкімдіктер пилотты режимде «Ауыл мектебі» жобасын жүзеге асыруды бастады. Жоба аясында Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептерінің тәжірибесін есепке ала отырып, орта білім беру ұйымдарында оқытудың, бағалаудың, тәрбие беру жұмыстарының инновациялық тәжірибелері мен технологияларын енгізу қарастырылған. […]

17 students of NIS Taraz – winners of the al-Farabi international Olympiad

17 students of NIS Taraz became prize-winners of the international distance Olympiad named after al-Farabi in subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle. Aliya Anarbayeva and Inabat Amantay took the first places of the Olympiad. The winners of the second places were Merey Zhaksylykova, Danabek Saliev, Nuray Narshibayeva, Dinara Sauytbek, Aikerim Narbota, Kasymkhan Kanatbek, Meirambek […]

Завершил свою работу практический семинар для учителей общеобразовательных школ

Сегодня завершился двухдневный практический семинар для учителей общеобразовательных школ. Во втором дне мероприятия проведенного на тему «Особенности организации дистанционного обучения в рамках обновленного содержания образования» участие приняли около 640 педагогов области. Семинар, предусматривающий оказание методической поддержки учителям школ области в организации дистанционного обучения, был проведен совместными усилиями Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школой в Таразе и областного учебно-методического […]

Учащиеся НИШ г.Тараз завоевали два Гран-при многожанрового конкурса

Учащиеся Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы города Тараз завоевали два Гран-при международного конкурса детского и юношеского творчества «Qazaq Star dance music festival» Танцевальный ансамбль школы из семи юношей «Reflection» под руководством школьного хореографа Аяна Ауесбека исполнил популярный кавказский танец «Лезгинка». Жюри оценило слаженность и профессионализм коллектива. Ансамбль завоевал высшую награду конкурса – Гран-при в номинации «Хореография». – […]

Students of NIS Taraz received funding for the development of their invention

The team of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz “Crepiks Academy” became a finalist of the ABC Incubation xTCA program from NURIS Cluster. Young startups received funding for the development of their innovative product in the amount of 500,000 tenge. On October 9, young entrepreneurs together with the other 19 finalists presented their project. This […]

Akim of Zhambyl region Berdibek Saparbayev awarded a certificate for 1 million tenge to students of the Nazarbayev intellectual school of Taraz

Today, the Governor of Zhambyl region visited the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. During the meeting, Berdibek Saparbayev got acquainted with the results of scientific projects of students. Among the research projects presented to the head of the region, already noted by the Department of health care of the region, is a system for monitoring […]

Taraz NIS celebrated Teacher’s day

On the eve of the Teacher’s day celebration, a number of teachers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz were awarded diplomas and letters of thanks for their contribution to the development of education. More than 30 teachers at the school got the recognition of the akim of Zhambyl oblast B. Saparbayev, the regional branch […]

Учащиеся Тараз NIS стали призерами Олимпиады МФЦА

Учащиеся Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы г.Тараз стали призерами Олимпиады МФЦА по финансам и экономике. Серебряная медаль присуждена Арыстану Абдыхалык, бронзу завоевал Бауыржан Апил. – Приняв участие в республиканской олимпиаде, получил положительные впечатления. У нас были лекции несколько раз в неделю, плюс литература. Баллы на 80% состояли из финального экзамена и на 20 % из промежуточных тестов, […]

В новый учебный год – с новыми наградами⠀

В преддверии нового учебного года ряд учителей Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы Тараза получили награды за плодотворную работу. Учитель-эксперт истории Любовь Исатаева за особые заслуги в области образования удостоилась знака «Почетный работник образования Республики Казахстан». Почетной грамотой Министерства образования и науки РК за вклад в развитие системы образования и повышение качества образования страны награжден учитель-эксперт физики Мирлан […]

Құрметті ұстаздар! Қымбатты оқушылар, ата-аналар және барша мектеп қауымы!

Құрметті ұстаздар! Қымбатты оқушылар, ата-аналар және барша мектеп қауымы! 1 қыркүйек – Білім күні шын мәнінде бүкіл халықтық мереке. Әрбір адамның жүрегінде жақсы естелік қалдыратын, жарық та, жылы сезімдерге толы мейрам. Жаңа бастамалардың, жаңа ізденістердің, жаңа идеялардың символы. Абай атамыз: «Адамның көңілі шын мейірленсе, білім-ғылымның өзі де адамға мейірленіп, тезірек қолға түседі» деген екен. Сондықтан […]

Традиционная линейка в режиме онлайн

Традиционная линейка 1 сентября в Интеллектуальной школе Тараза прошла в формате онлайн. Мероприятие под названием «Конституция – мемлекет тәуелсіздігінің негізі» было приурочено 25-летию основного закона страны – Конституции. В режиме реального времени мероприятие посетили 716 учащихся школы приступающих в этом году к обучению, в том числе и 109 вновь принятых семиклассников. А также были приглашены […]

Ориентационная неделя в NIS Тараз

Ориентационная неделя для учащихся 7-классов – событие для NIS Тараза традиционное. Однако в этом году она отличилась тем, что проходила в формате онлайн. Педагоги и старшеклассники NIS Тараза встречали семиклашек и их родителей в MS Teams, подробно рассказывали о школьной жизни, отвечали на многочисленные вопросы. Финальным аккордом череды ознакомительных мероприятий стали родительские собрания.

Началась ориентационная неделя для 7-х классов

В Интеллектуальной школе Тараза проходит онлайн ориентационная неделя для вновь принятых 7-х классов. Она запланирована на 25-28 августа. За несколько дней вперед обладатели гранта и их родители получили приглашения и программу ориентационной недели. В первый день юные интеллектуалы с помощью интерактивной игры познакомились с одноклассниками и приняли участие в виртуальном путешествии по школе. В ходе […]

The NIS Taraz team is the national champion of Enactus Kazakhstan

The NIS Taraz team became the winner of the I Republican school entrepreneurship championship held within the framework of Enactus Kazakhstan Online National Expo 2020. In September, young startups will compete for the title of champion at the Enactus world Cup. In the Republican stage, the team presented two business projects. This is an UnApp […]

Ученица NIS г. Тараз едет в США представлять страну⠀

Ученица 8-класса Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы города Тараз Сания Кайнаркызы получила приглашение в столицу США на Олимпиаду искусств, которую организует Международный фонд детского искусства (ICAF). Работа Сании «Каратэ – моя философия добра» получила высокое признание жюри. Ученица NIS стала единственным делегатом, который будет представлять Казахстан на втором этапе Олимпиады.⠀ – Я рисую уже очень давно. В […]

Ақын Абай мерейтойын Тараздағы Зияткерлік мектеп қалай тойлауда

Биыл хәкім Абайдың 175-жылдығы ел деңгейінде ғана емес, халықаралық дәрежеде аталып өтілуде. Бастаманы мемлекет басшысы Қасым-Жомарт Тоқаев қолдап, ақын тойының жоғары деңгейде ұйымдастырылуын тапсырды. Осы орайда мерейтойлық іс-шаралар  Әулиеата топырағындағы Зияткерлік мектепте де жыл басынан жүзеге асырылып келеді. Оқу ордасындағы той шымылдығы қаңтар айында «Асыл сөзді іздесең, Абайды оқы, ерінбе» атауымен ресми түрде ашылған болатын. […]

NIS Taraz student – author of the first children’s smart bracelet in Kazakhstan

“Your friend” is the name given to her invention by Moldir Aizharyk, this year’s graduate of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. And this is no accident because the bracelet is a loyal assistant and friend of the child. It can track the child’s heart rate, temperature, and geolocation and notify parents. – I started creating […]

Объявляется конкурс вакантных мест

Назарбаев Интеллектуальная школа физико-математического направления города Тараз объявляет конкурс на занятие следующих вакантных должностей: 1)  учитель английского языка – 2 единицы; 2)  учитель математики (каз/русс и каз) – 1 единица; 3)  учитель химии (IELTS не ниже 5,5) – 2 единицы (каз/рус/англ) в период декретного отпуска); 4)  учитель биологии (IELTS не ниже 5,5) – 1 единица; 5)  учитель информатики (IELTS не […]

Ученица NIS Тараза поступила в один из лучших университетов Европы

Выпускница Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы города Тараз Дана Курманбек стала обладательницей образовательного гранта одного из ведущих ВУЗов Европы – Римского Университета Ла Сапиенца. Свою будущую профессию Дана хочет связать с международными отношениями и бизнесом. – Интерес к бизнесу у меня появился на уроках экономики, где я научилась самостоятельно составлять бизнес-планы. Моя работа, посвященная, производству пищевого порошка […]

Педагоги Жамбылской области обсудили современные тенденции исследования практики учителей

В Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школе города Тараз 29 мая 2020 года в онлайн режиме прошла IV Научно-практическая конференция «Современные тенденции исследования практики учителей». Цель конференции направлена на обсуждение результатов исследования практики учителей и актуальных вопросов современного школьного образования.  В нем приняли участие свыше 180  учителей, психологов и работников учреждений образования. Модератором пленарной сессии конференции выступила Алия Жусанбаева, […]

Қашықтықтан соғылған «Соңғы қоңырау»

Бүгін, 25 мамырда Тараздағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінде соңғы қоңырау алғаш рет қашықтықтан соғылды. Онлайн форматта өткен салтанатты жиын «Ұлы дала мұрасы: тарих, тұлға, тағылым» деп аталды. Жылдағыдан өзгеше форматта өтсе де соңғы қоңыраудың сәні мен сипаты сақталды. Әуезді ән мен күй, жұлдызды шеру, құттықтаулар, марапаттаулар, күмбірлеген қоңырау үні – барлығы да қамтылды. Шара шымылдығы оқушылардың […]

Мәдениет пен өнер – рухани өмір мәйегі

Мамырдың 21-і – елімізде мәдениет және өнер қызметкерлерінің төл мерекесі. Халықтың мәдени дамып, рухани жаңғыруы бағытында күш салып келе жатқан өнер иелеріне құрмет қашанда жоғары. Тараз өлкесінде өнердің көкжиегін кеңейтіп жүрген шығармашыл тұлғалар көп. Солардың бірі әрі бірегейі – Қазақстан Республикасының Мәдениет қайраткері, күйші, сазгер Аман Малдыбаев. Сазгердің қоржынында 10-нан астам күй мен 40-қа жуық […]

Тараздағы NIS оқушысы әлемнің үздік инновациялық жоғарғы оқу орнына шақырту алды

Тараздағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінің 12-сынып оқушысы Дайана Бестерековаға әлемнің үздік инновациялық жоғарғы оқу орны Минерва университетінен (Minerva Schools at KGI) шақырту келді. Жыл сайын аталған университетке түсу мүмкіндігін құжат тапсырған талапкерлердің 1-2% ғана алады. Солардың бірі – Дайана. Енді зияткердің 4 жыл ішінде 7 мемлекетте білім алып, саяхаттауға мүмкіндігі бар. Атап  айтқанда, бірінші курсты Сан-Францискода […]

Парасатты педагог, мақтан тұтар майдангер

Мамыр айының алғашқы күндерінен бастап барлық Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептерінде «Отан үшін от кешкен батырдың біз ұрпағымыз!» марафоны жүзеге асырылып жатыр. Мектеп қауымдастығының әрбір мүшесі отбасындағы майдангерлер мен тыл еңбеккерлерінің ерлігі жайлы түрлі бейнесюжеттер мен материалдар әзірлеп, көпшілікпен бөлісіуде. Сұрапыл соғыс жылдарында кеуделерін оққа тосып, елі мен жерін қорғаған майдангерлер қатарында ұстаздар қауымы да аз болмаған. […]

Ерлікке тағзым

Ұлы жеңістің 75-жылдығы қарсаңында Тараздағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінің оқушылары Ұлы Отан Соғысының тыл ардагері Шәріпхан Жаңабаевпен кездесті. Онлайн форматта өткен кездесу «Даналық бейсенбі» жобасы аясында жүзеге асты. Жасы тоқсанға таяған Шәріпхан қария қиын-қыстау кезең туралы оқушыларға баяндап беріп, сұрапыл соғыстың ауыр жылдарын есіне алды. Тыл ардагері өрімдей жас бола тұра тынымсыз еңбек етіп, майдан даласындағы […]

Ученица NIS Тараза выиграла грант в топовый университет Италии

Ученица NIS Саяжан Жамеледенова из Тараза выиграла грант на обучение в одном из самых престижных вузов Италии – Тор Вергата. Здесь она будет изучать экономику и управление в международном бизнесе. Профессию экономиста-менеджера Саяжан выбрала не случайно. Она с детства мечтает открыть личный бизнес и создать свой бренд. – Я восхищаюсь этой страной с богатой историей, […]

Ученики Тараз NIS в числе победителей и призеров Всероссийского научного конкурса

Юные исследователи Тараз NIS вошли в число победителей и призеров Всероссийского конкурса научно-исследовательских работ  «Художественная культура и образование в современном мире», организованного среди учащейся молодежи. В конкурсе одинадцатикласники Молдир Баймахан и Абылай Сыдыков представили исследовательскую работу «Реконструкция историко-культурной модели эпохи бронзы на основе петроглифов местности Ботамойнак» и стали дипломантами 1 степени. Второе место присуждено ученице […]

Виртуальный «Умный четверг»

Несмотря на то, что обучение в Интеллектуальной школе города Тараз перешло на дистанционный формат, жизнь школы бьет ключом. Ученикам некогда скучать. Уроки, кружки, дополнительные занятия, проекты, встречи – все как прежде, по графику. Так, в рамках проекта «Умный четверг» школьники встретились с Бакытжаном Казангаповым, с выпускником  Уорикского университета (Warwick University), магистром управления информационными системами и […]

Стартовала серия онлайн вебинаров учителей Тараз НИШ

23 апреля стартовала серия онлайн вебинаров учителей Тараз НИШ  на тему «Организация критериального оценивания при дистанционном обучении с использованием программных продуктов (Microsoft Teams, Google form Tini scanner, Epic pen)» для педагогов общеобразовательных школ Жамбылской области. Онлайн вебинар проводится с целью оказания методической помощи  при организации дистанционного обучения. Учителя Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы г.Тараз демонстрируют свой опыт по  следующим темам:  «Эффективное планирование онлайн урока», […]

Гранты на будущее

Письма о присуждении образовательных грантов начали поступать двенадцатиклассникам Интеллектуальной школы Тараза из передовых отечественных и зарубежных вузов. Первыми свои приглашения получили Акнур Касым и Нурторе Амангелды. Назарбаев университет предлагает ребятам полный грант на бакалавриат без предуниверситетской подготовки Foundation. Выбор учеников пал на Школу инженерии и цифровых наук НУ. – Желающим поступить в Назарбаев Университет мы […]

NIS Тараз оқушылары жалпыресейлік зерттеу жұмыстары байқауының лауреаттары атанды

Тараздағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінің оқушылары Аружан Кенешбекова мен Юлия Хан В.Вернадский атындағы жалпыресейлік жасөспірімдер зерттеу жұмыстары байқауының лауреаттары атағына ие болды. Байқауда 12 сынып оқушысы Аружан «Жамбыл металл құрылымдар зауыты – Имсталькон» ЖШС қалдықтарынан жасалған феррит кобальт негізіндегі магнитті ұнтақ өндірісі» атты зерттеу жұмысын ұсынды. – Менің жобам болашақта қатерлі ісікті емдеуде көмекші болатын феррит […]

«Никаких проблем не возникло»: родители Интеллектуальной школы в Таразе

Сегодня, как и все казахстанские школьники, 727 учащихся Интеллектуальной школы Тараза завершили первый день дистанционного обучения.  Родители высказывают свое мнение о работе системы обучения. – Первый день прошел очень успешно. Несмотря на большую нагрузку на Интернет-связь, школа сумела на высоком уровне организовать учебный процесс. Огромная благодарность учителям. Все было понятно и доступно, – поделилась своими […]

Student of NIS Taraz Ayaulym Adilova: “With the help of a banana and an orange, you can solve agricultural problems”

Ayaulym Adilova, a student of the 10th grade of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz, offers to produce organic fertilizers necessary for agriculture from the remains of banana and orange. – You can solve a number of agricultural problems by using waste from everyday life, including bananas and oranges as fertilizers. Currently, the most commonly […]

Spend the holidays with benefits

Students of the Intellectual school of Taraz spend their holidays with benefit. For the holiday of Nauryz, they initiated a remote competition “Kosh keldin, Nauryzym!”, in which they demonstrate their skills in singing, drawing, еxpress wishes for Nauryz, write essays that tell about Kazakh customs and traditions, conduct master classes in applied and culinary arts […]

A student of the Taraz Intellectual school distinguished himself with his mathematical knowledge at an international competition

Doszhan Temirbekov, a student of the 12th grade of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz, distinguished himself with his mathematical knowledge at an International competition. He successfully defended his project at the International competition for mathematical and mechanical research. U. Dzholdasbekov and received a diploma of 3 degrees. Doszhan proposed a new mathematical method of […]

Scientific works of NIS Taraz teachers were awarded with diplomas of winners at International pedagogical readings

Scientific works of teachers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz were especially noted at International pedagogical readings in TarSPU and awarded with diplomas of winners. At the pedagogical readings organized under the title “System of continuous pedagogical education in modern Kazakhstan in the XXI century: world spirituality and innovative experience”, 11 teachers from the […]

She returned with a victory from the Republican art competition

A student of the 12th grade of Taraz Nazarbayev Intellectual school Arailym Altay took first place at the VII Republican festival of arts, organized in the capital of the country. In the competition, she performed the song “My Heart Will Go On”, the soundtrack to the famous film “Titanic”. Earlier, A. Altay passed the qualifying […]

Research works of NIS Taraz students became the best at an International conference in Moscow

Research works of NIS Taraz students were awarded two prizes at the International scientific and practical conference “Linguistics for all” in the Russian capital. According to the decision of the jury, the best work in the section “Language portrait of representatives of various professions” was the project of Islambek Sariev. The jury members noted the […]

“Day of white roses” was held in NIS Taraz

“Day of white roses” – under this name, the day of gratitude was celebrated in the Intellectual school of Taraz. The school decided to express its gratitude to the technical staff for their hard work, care for the cleanliness and prosperity of the school. In honor of the holiday, students after school arranged a mass […]

“Dance battle” determined the best dance group

A dance contest “Dance battle” was held in NIS Taraz. The contest was opened by young dancers from the “Allegro” children’s dance studio and the famous Taraz boys band “Sarman”. The battle was judged by the head of the “Sarman” group Shyngys Esenkul, the head and choreographer of the “Allegro” dance school Nurgul Edokova and […]

The internship for Deputy Directors continues

The training of Deputy Directors of secondary schools in the region continues at the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. Today, the second stream of Deputy Directors for scientific and methodological work of the school-lyceum of Karatau, schools-gymnasiums #8, #39, secondary school #54, school-lyceum #1 of the T.Ryskulov district completed their training. During the internship, they […]

The traditional event “Жатақхана life” took place

The “Open doors day” “Жатақхана life” of the dorm was held in Nazarbaev’s Intellectual school in Taraz. This year, about 30 educators from boarding schools in the region took part in a traditional event organized in the format of a workshop. At the solemn opening, the head of the NIŠ Taraz dorm Sholpan Kulmakhambetova, spoke […]


На базе Таразского государственного университета прошел областной фестиваль, посвященный 175-летию Абая. Инициатором фестиваля выступила Назарбаев Интеллектуальная школа в городе Тараз. В масштабном мероприятии под названием «Білімдіден шыққан сөз», приняли участие юные представители из более 10 школ области. Мероприятие открыли студенты ТарГУ с театрализованным представлением «Хәкім Абай». С торжественной речью к собравшимся обратились исполняющий обязанности руководителя […]

Recognized as winners of the Republican contest of scientific projects “Zhas al-Farabi»

Students of 7 classes of NIS in Taraz were awarded prizes and letters of thanks of the VII Republican competition of scientific projects of schoolchildren “Zhas al-Farabi”, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasir al-Farabi, organized in the framework of the “Ruhani zhangyru” program at the Kazakh National University Al-Farabi. Ayaulym Serikbay’s research work […]

Dance ensemble “Nur” of NIS Taraz – I degree laureate of the VI International competition-festival of arts

The dance ensemble “Nur” of the Intellectual school of Taraz became the winner of the I degree in the VI international competition-festival of arts “Grand premium”, which was held on February 14-17, 2020 in Almaty. The school team performed Kazakh folk dance on the stage and was awarded first place among more than 20 dance […]

Gold and silver medals won NIS Taraz students in the Republican competition of scientific projects

Students of the Taraz Intellectual school returned from the Republican contest of scientific projects with gold and three silver medals. The first place and the gold medal of the competition won the project of Bauyrzhan Apil and Yersultan Tursyn in the section “Local History”. They submitted a research paper on the topic “Prospects of the […]

A practical seminar was held for teachers of history, art work and physical culture

Today, the regional practical seminar on “Effective teaching methods within the updated content of education” was held at the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. It was attended by about 120 teachers of the region, who increased their competence to implement the updated content of secondary education. The main participants of the seminar were teachers of […]

The first stream of deputy directors completed their internship in NIS

Today, the first stream of Deputy Directors of secondary schools completed their training at the Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz. The training was attended by the Deputy Directors on scientifically-methodical work of the school-gymnasium №1 Baizak district, secondary school named after V. Chkalov Zhambyl district, secondary school №30, №46 in Taraz and school-gymnasium №12 name […]

A practical seminar was held for teachers of history, art work and physical culture

Today, the regional practical seminar on “Effective teaching methods within the updated content of education” was held at the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. It was attended by about 120 teachers of the region, who increased their competence to implement the updated content of secondary education. The main participants of the seminar were teachers of […]

Зияткерлік мектептің арланы анықталды

Ұлы Жеңістің 75 жылдық мерейтойына орай Тараздағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінде «Қазақ Арланы – 2020» әскери-спорттық байқауы өтті. Сайыстың мақсаты оқушыларды алғашқы әскери дайындық негіздерін үйрету, салауатты өмір салтын ұстануға баулу, әскери-қолданбалы спорт түрлеріне машықтандыру, серіктестік, жауапкершілік сезімдерін қалыптастыру. – Мектебімізде әскери-патриоттық шаралар көп. Солардың бірі дәстүрлі түрде өткізіліп жүрген – «Қазақ Арланы». Ұл балалар отан […]

The Deputy Directors of the leading schools are trained in the NIS

Deputy Directors of secondary schools in the region are trained in NIS Taraz. The event, which aims to spread the experience of Intellectual schools in secondary schools, was attended by five Deputy Directors for scientific and methodological work of schools in the Baizak, Zhambyl districts and the city of Taraz. During the week-long internship, they […]

Another victory at the Baltic competition

The project of the students of the Intellectual school Taraz won a diploma and a special jury award of the 16th Baltic Scientific and Engineering Competition in St. Petersburg. Marzhan Saparbekova and Aruzhan Kaltai, pupils of the 11th grade received a diploma of the III degree and special awards of the scientific jury of the […]

The first UN model conference was held in Taraz NIS

On February 8, 2020, in Nazarbaev Intellectual school Taraz was held the first UN Model Conference on “Youth for Sustainable Countries and Communities”. The conference was attended by 40 delegates from three committees: The UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council, and the UN Human Rights Council. “The Purpose of the conference is to help […]

Meeting with the famous Kyushi composer

In Taraz, within the framework of the project “Қазақтың жүз күйі”, students of the Nazarbaev Intellectual school met with the famous kuyshi, composer Omirgali Ertuganov. At the round table “Күйшілік өнердегі халық даналығының дәстүрлі нышандары” gathered young dombrists of the school.   Omirgali Ertuganov is a dombra teacher in the Zhambyl Humanitarian College named after […]

Students of the Taraz NIS presented Abay’s works

Today in Taraz, students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school presented the production “the World of Abay”, based on 1, 10, 17 words of the poet’s edification. The creative evening was organized within the framework of the project “Oshpes iz, olmes mura kaldyrgan”, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev. The performance was staged by […]

Important topics were covered during the next TEDx school conference

A TEDx conference was held in NIS Taraz, where students who understand perfectionism, sleep, K-pop, recreation and discrimination shared their ideas and experiences. The speakers were students of grades 8 and 10. They were trained by teachers and teachers-curators of the school. Each speech was worked out from top to bottom: all accents were placed, […]

The school’s team won the Cup of the V all-Kazakhstan Olympiad “Tengri-chemist”

The team “Bems” of Taraz Intellectual school won the Cup of the V all-Kazakhstan online Olympiad “Tengri-chemist”. Children prepared for the Olympiad under the strict guidance of chemistry teacher Kazbek Tortayev. – Students took part in the Olympiad with great interest. The tasks were interesting and informative. The contest was held in a highly competitive […]

Read, cook and eat

The library of the Intellectual school of Taraz hosted the festival of “edible books”. On this day, students of the school prepared and presented sweet copies of famous literary works. The creative festival was held in the framework of the project “100 books recommended for reading by students of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools” and covered more […]

NIS teachers held a seminar at Ustaz University

Teachers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics in Taraz held a workshop for teachers of Humanities of the Taraz state pedagogical University. The event was organized in accordance with the work plan for training future teachers between the two educational institutions to disseminate the experience of NIS in the framework of updated […]

The internship of MIT students is completed

Today, on January 31, 2020, the three-week internship of MIT students Gabriel Kammer and Rujul Gandhi ended. With their participation, several events were held at the school: elective courses on subjects, consultations on research projects, trainings on writing motivational letters for Universities, joint lessons with teachers. One of the main ones was holding the contest […]

“Eki Zhuldyz” contest lit new stars

The vocal competition “Eki Zhuldyz” was held in the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz within the framework of the project “Uly Dala akyndary”.  5 pairs of teachers and students took part in the event dedicated to the work of M. Makatayev and aimed at determining the best performers. According to the terms of the competition, […]

Made a book surprise

Students of the Taraz Intellectual school took part in a large-scale campaign “Bookstart”. School self-government activists with the support of library staff visited the crisis center for young mothers “Mama’s House” and presented books, board games and sweets to children and their mothers. The goal of the campaign is to give children books, help families […]

Shared the secrets of success

Today, the Director of the Zhambyl regional branch of First Heartland Jysan Bank, Galymzhan Dolanbekov, became a guest of the school project  “Smart Thursday”. During the meeting, Galymzhan Аnuarbekovich told the students about the best subjects to study in order to become a banker, about his hobby, how to use time effectively, about his favorite […]

Grand Prix of the Republican art competition

A student of the 12th class of NIS Taraz Arailym Altay won the Grand Prix of the qualifying round of the VII Republican festival of arts. Arailym won the main prize by performing a song from the repertoire of Celine Dion, the soundtrack to the famous film “Titanic” “My Heart Will Go On”. – I […]

Teachers discussed effective teaching methods during an online seminar

Teachers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz held an online seminar on “Effective methods of teaching and learning in the framework of updated education” for 2000 teachers of the region. During the seminar, students received information about the study of the lesson, the use of IT technologies in the lesson, the implementation of subject-language […]

More than 60 Taraz teachers attended the workshop in NIS

Today,  more than 60 classroom teachers of Taraz secondary schools have familiarized with the organization of educational work in Intellectual schools. Vice Principal Aisha Zholdasbekova welcomed  the participants and wished them good luck: – We tried to make the seminar program as informative and useful as possible for you. We hope that the knowledge gained […]

NIS Taraz volunteers congratulate public utilities workers

On the eve of the New Year, a group of volunteers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz congratulated the employees of public utilities, thanks to which the city is among the cleanest and most comfortable in the country. The guys met with utility workers on one of the main streets, where they performed their […]

«Асыл сөзді іздесең, Абайды оқы, ерінбе…»

«Асыл сөзді іздесең, Абайды оқы, ерінбе…» деген атаумен Тараздағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінде ұлы ақынның 175-жылдығына арналған шара өтті. Оқушылардың орындауында Абай шығармашылығынан сыр шертетін сахналық қойылым көрсетілді. Шара Зияткерлік мектептердің «Өшпес із, өлмес мұра қалдырған» жоба аясында жүзеге асты. Қойылым желісіне сай ақынның балалық шағынан бастап үлкейген шағына дейінгі кезеңі сахналанып, өлеңдерінің шығу тарихына шолу […]

Project of the NIS Taraz principal Timur Nurkesov won at the republican contest

  The project of the principal of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school Taraz Timur Nurkeshov took first place at the Republican contest “Festival of pedagogical ideas”, organized by the RSCP “Daryn”. The winning project is aimed at improving the work with students. The idea is to create conditions for effective adaptation of students to the world […]

MIT Lessons in the NIS Taraz

Students of the Massachusetts Institute of technology (USA) are having internship program at the Taraz Intellectual school. Gabriel Kammer and Rujul Gandhi are successful students of one of the best technical Universities in the world, came to Taraz as part of the MISTI Kazakhstan “Global Teaching Labs” project. They help NIS students to engage in […]

Three teachers of the school became winners of IMPACT Olympiad

Three teachers of Taraz Intellectual school became winners of the II international open creative competition of teachers and coaches of the Olympic reserve of mathematics, physics and computer science – IMPACT Olympiad. All of them won third place. The third-place winners became math teachers Gulnur Ahmedieva, Shyngys Ualihanuly and computer science teacher Ansar Akim. – […]

The evening of graduates passed

Today, in NIS Taraz was held a traditional meeting of graduates. The meeting was attended by over 40 former students of the school, current students of such universities as Nazarbayev University, KazNTU named after K. Satpaev, KBTU, IITU, KIMEP, KazNMU named after S.Asfendiyarova, KazNU NAMED AFTER al-Farabi, also universities in Russia, Singapore, Spain, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan. […]

Таразда Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебіне құжаттар қабылдау жалғасуда

Жамбыл облысы əкімдігі ішкі саясат басқармасы «Өңірлік коммуникациялар қызметінің» ақпарат алаңында Тараз қаласындағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінің директоры Т.С. Нуркешовтың және директор орынбасары Н.М.Тұрмаханбетованың қатысуымен баспасөз конференциясы өтті. Конференция барысында спикер Назарбаев зияткерлік мектептеріне түсу туралы баяндап, журналистердің сұрақтарына жауап берді. «Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептері» дербес білім беру ұйымы 2020-2021 оқу жылына Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептерінің 7-сыныптарында білім […]

Students of Taraz NIS returned with seven medals from the Republican olympiad

Students of Taraz Intellectual school returned from the Republican subject Olympiad with seven medals. Among the winners are Aida Chinalieva with 1 place (geography), Munira Tursunova with 1 place (Kazakh language), Aruzhan Kaltay 3 place (Kazakh language), Sabina Saidullayeva 3 place (Kazakh language), Timur Amangeldiev 3 place (mathematics), Inabat Amantay 3 place (biology), Abzal Madiev […]

Учителя НИШ Тараза провели онлайн-лекцию для более 1000 педагогов области

Учителя Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы Тараза провели онлайн-лекцию для более 1000 педагогов области. На лекции приняли участие учителя, преподающие предметы общественно-гуманитарного направления. Слушатели получили информацию о развитии исследовательской деятельности учащихся, навыков написания эссе, путях оценивания, разработке заданий, обеспечивающих достижение цели обучения, использовании методов дифференциации. Мероприятие на тему «Пути применения различных методов и приемов формативного оценивания на […]

On the basis of the NIS Taraz student’s fairy tale will be shot an animated film

A student of the 10th grade of the Intellectual school in Taraz Amina Nurlanbekkyzy took 2nd place at the International children’s competition “Let’s draw a fairy tale!”with the literary work “The Butterfly who loved to meet the dawns”. At the request of the competition, Amina had to compose a fairy tale, draw illustrations for it […]

Was held a meeting of the HertsCam community members

12 teachers-members of the HertsCam professional community from Intellectual school of Taraz presented their local colleagues the results of research in action. Gulmira Kanaeva, head of the project “Leadership of teachers in Kazakhstan”, offered them to share their experience in the framework of interschool meeting #1. The introduction of international experience in the Intellectual school […]

Eight teachers of the school have become certified CLIL experts and trainers

Eight teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz became certified experts and trainers of CLIL. Now they have the full right to teach their colleagues the use of the CLIL technique in chemistry, biology, physics and computer science classes. Biology teachers Kamila Lishanlaeva and Didar Myrzaev, chemistry teacher Stanislav Kotov, physics teacher Mirlan Jusambaev, informatics […]

The school determined the “Best teacher of the year”

The school stage of the traditional competition a “Best teacher of the year” was held in Taraz NIS. The competition, organized to determine the best teacher in 2019, was attended by 9 teachers from each methodical фssociation. In accordance with the contest tasks, participants were required to shoot a 5-minute video film of their choice […]

Тараздағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінде құжат қабылдау басталды

Бүгін Тараздағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінде үміткерлердің құжатын қабылдау басталды. Биылғы құжат қабылдау науқаны 2019 жылғы 18-желтоқсан мен 2020 жылғы 31-қаңтар аралығына жоспарланған. Үміткерлердің алғашқы легі ата-аналарын ертіп құжат тапсыруға келіп жатыр. Бірі анасына ілессе, екіншісі атасы не апасы, болмаса әпке-ағаларымен келуде. Анасы немесе әкесі келмеген жағдайда, туысының қолында ата-анасынан берілген сенім хаты болуы шарт. – […]

Назарбаев Интеллектуальным школам вручена премия ЮНЕСКО

Назарбаев Интеллектуальным школам в китайском Цзинане вручена премия ЮНЕСКО Wenhui Award 2019 года! Это знаковое событие не только для большого и профессионального коллектива Интеллектуальных школ, но и для всей отечественной системы образования. NIS стали первым представителем Казахстана, удостоенным премии ЮНЕСКО в области образования. Диплом и сертификат на 20 тысяч долларов для развития номинированного проекта вручены […]

Военно-патриотический клуб школы получил Гран-при

Военно-патриотический клуб «Сардар» Интеллектуальной школы г. Тараз завоевал главный приз областного конкурса. Конкурс проводился среди военно-патриотических клубов области. Члены клуба из 6 девушек показали отличные результаты в соревнованиях по номинациям: разборка и сборка автомата, стрельба из пневматического оружия, страйкбол, лазертаг. Победителей подготовил руководитель клуба, учитель НВП Гани Аденов. – Важно привлечь как мальчишек, так и […]

Seventh graders of NIS Taraz took part in the global movement

More than 160 seventh graders of Taraz Intellectual school took part in the global movement “Hour of code”. For one hour students were engaged in programming, performed tasks in a simple and fun way. “Hour of Code” is the largest educational event, which covers several million pupils and students from more than 180 countries. The […]

NIS Taraz students shared the secrets of successful performance at the largest competition

Students of Taraz Intellectual school Yerslan Shakenov and Ayan Zhapsar shared their experience of participation in the contest “Nazarbayev Fund Schools Challenge”. They shared their experience with students from Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz, the Regional specialized school with training in three languages and the IT boarding school for gifted children. Recall that the students […]

Teachers of physics and mathematics returned with a victory from the international competition

Six teachers of the Intellectual school of Taraz from the VII international creative competition of teachers of mathematics, physics and Informatics, held in Almaty. Mathematics teachers Nariman Kozhakhmetov and Arailym Tuktibayeva were awarded diplomas of the II and III degrees, Nauryzbay Serikbayev and Adilgazy Talasbayev, as well as physics teachers Lyazat Augambayeva and Aigul Umirialieva […]

Teachers of the school held a master class for their colleagues in Turkey

Teachers of Russian language and literature of the Intellectual school Taraz Nazilya Turmakhanbetova and Galina Stanishevskaya held a master class for colleagues in Turkey. Master class on “How to work with non-continuous texts helps develop your speaking skills” was held in the framework of the III International Conference of Russian language teachers “Teaching Russian as […]

Taraz Intellectual school held a creative evening “Uly Dala muragerleri»

In honour of the Day of the First President there was a creative evening of Taraz Intellectual school students “Uly Dala muragerleri”. The main content of the concert program was dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay, the 75th anniversary of the great Victory and the 80th anniversary of Zhambyl region. About a thousand spectators […]

Сарысу ауданындағы ЖМ мұғалімдеріне әдістемелік десант өткізілді

2019 жылдың 28 қарашасы күні Тараз қ. Зияткерлік мектеп мұғалімдері мен ПШО Тараз қ. филиалының әдістемелік ортылығы  Сарысу ауданында әдістемелік десант өткізіп қайтты. Іс-шараға 153 мұғалім қатысып, шеберлік-сыныптар мен сабақтардан тәжірибе шыңдады. Десант критериалды бағалау жүйесінің тәжірибеге енгізілу жолдарын қарастыру мақсатында ұйымдастырылды. Сарысу ауданындағы М. Әуезов атындағы мектеп-гимназиясында өткен әдістемелік күнге пән мұғалімдерінен бөлек директордың […]

Projects of Taraz Intellectual school teachers won in Moscow

The projects of Taraz Intellectual school teachers were recognized as winners of the IX International conference-competition “Innovative information and pedagogical technologies in the system of IT education” held in Moscow. According to the results of the competition organized by the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the project of the biology teacher-expert Inna Aksenova was awarded the […]

The second stream of principals of leading schools were trained in the NIS Taraz

A week-long internship of leading schools’ principals of the region continues in NIS Taraz. Recently, a second stream of school leaders took part in this project. The principals of Sarykemer school-gymnasium of Baizak district, school-gymnasium No.17 named after Trubitsyn in Merke, school-gymnasiums No. 5. and school №24 of Taraz got acquainted with the work of Intellectual schools.  They were provided with methodological support for the […]

Open doors day for 6th graders

More than 150 students of 6th grade of Zhambyl region schools got acquainted with the work of the Intellectual school in Taraz. The meeting was held as part of the “Open day” for students and their parents. Master classes of ten students were organized for the guests of the school. At each point, subject teachers […]

Friendship spartakiad held among gifted children of city schools

The Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz hosted the Spartakiad of friendship among gifted children of city schools. Competitions were held in football, chess, togyzkumalak, tennis and volleyball, which were attended by students of the regional school with training in three languages, boarding school “Bilim-innovation”, boarding school “Daryn”, IT lyceum and Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. […]

В Интеллектуальной школе прошел областной форум на тему лидерства

В Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школе города Тараз 14-15 ноября 2019 года прошел областной форум на тему «Лидерство в контексте перехода на обновленное содержание образования». Целью форума являлось повышение квалификации руководителей школ в контексте обновления содержания образования. В работе форума приняли участие свыше 250 руководителей школ области. Программа первого дня началась с выставки книг и продолжилась конкурсом […]

Двадцать Назарбаев Интеллектуальных школ получили международную аккредитацию CIS

Радостная новость пришла в Астану из Нидерландов из штаб-квартиры CIS о том, что Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы городов Петропавловска и Костаная получили аккредитацию Council of International Schools (Совета международных школ). Эти две школы завершили процесс аккредитации, и на сегодняшний день все двадцать Назарбаев Интеллектуальных школ подтвердили высокие образовательные стандарты признанием CIS. Совет международных школ (CIS) – это […]

Прошел пятый семинар по трансляции опыта воспитательной работы

Сегодня в НИШ Тараза прошел пятый по счету семинар по трансляции опыта воспитательной работы с участием более 60 педагогов области. Участников семинара встретили психологи Интеллектуальной школы с тренингом «Знакомство», который способствовал формированию благоприятной обстановки. Далее последовали практикумы по летним социальным практикам, сообществу школьников «Шаңырақ», краеведческо-исследовательской экспедиции «Туған елге тағзым». Была представлена работа проекта «TEDxNIS», который […]

Six teams of the school are recognized at once winners of the Olympiad “Tengri-geographer”

At the recent all-Kazakhstan Olympiad “Tengri-geographer” six teams of Taraz Intellectual school took prizes. The Grand Prix of the Olympiad was won by the team “Denali”, 1 place was awarded to team “Saktar”, in 2nd place was team “Kone Taraz”, “Olymp”, “Tarlan” and “Elbrus”. And the seventh team “Materiki”, was awarded the nomination “For the […]

NIS робототехниктерінің WRO-дағы табысы

Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептерінің жас робототехниктер командасы Венгрияның Дьорынан табысты оралды. Белгілі жаттықтырушы Николай Авдюниннің жетекшілігіндегі олар WRO чемпионатының (World Robot Olympiad – Робототехникадан Бүкіләлемдік олимпиада) үздік үштігіне еніп, елге қола медаль алып келді. NIS құрама командасы «Ақылды білім» секциясында математика мен бейнелеу өнері пәнінен сабақ беретін, әліпбиді үйренуге көмектесетін, көру және есту қабілеті нашар балалармен […]

Интеллектуалы изучают культуру народа через пословицы

Ученики Иинтеллектуальной школы Тараза принимают активное участие в мероприятиях, определяющих сущность и значение пословиц и поговорок. Для этого в школе реализуется проект «Пословицы и поговорки, используемые в моей жизни». В рамках проекта закреплены темы каждого месяца, ежемесячно проводятся квест-игры, круглые столы, конкурсы, викторины, учащимися создаются видеоролики. Так, согласно плану сентября, учащиеся провели съемку небольших роликов […]

NIS Taraz teachers shared their knowledge taken from XI International conference

Emotional intelligence, the attitude of teacher and student in a modern school, the organization of project work, professional burnout of the teacher – these and other topics were discussed at yesterday’s meeting of the school staff. Teachers of Taraz Intellectual school, who took part in the XI International conference, shared with colleagues the materials of […]

A new project has started in Taraz NIS

Today, the presentation of the project “80 actions that change the world around us” was held at the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. The project was launched in honor of the upcoming 80th anniversary of Elbasay and includes eighty actions planned before the end of the school year. At the opening ceremony, the school principal […]

Учителя НИШ Тараза провели методический десант для коллег в Чу

4 ноября учителя Интеллектуальной школы Тараза провели методический десант в городе Шу. В работе семинара приняли участие около 200 учителей из Шу и близлежащих к нему районов, которые обучались на мастер-классах и семинарах. Десант проводился с целью рассмотрения пути введения в практику системы критериального оценивания. Методический день прошел на базе школы-гимназии «Жибек жолы» Шуского района […]

Five effective days for five principals

Today at the Nazarbayev Intellectual school was completed the internship for five leading educational institutions principals of the region. The five-day event was attended by heads of schools of Baizak, Zhambyl, Zhualy, Korday districts and the city of Taraz. To the special project were invited the principals of district schools-gymnasiums named after G.Muratbayev, B.Besbayev, D.Konaev, […]

Teachers of NIS Taraz shared their experience in Turkey

At the VI international conference EUROKD, held recently in Istanbul, teachers of the Intellectual school of Taraz shared the results of their study. Biology teachers Tuimegul Ubisheva and Serikkul Kultasova made a presentation on ” Using differentiation in teaching the integrated STEM subjects for the enhancement of students’ analytical skills “. – The conference once […]

Директора школ проходят стажировку

Сегодня 5 директоров школ области начали недельную стажировку в Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школе Тараза. В специальном проекте приняли участие директора школ Байзакского, Жамбылского, Жуалинского, Кордайского районов и города Тараз. В программу первого дня вошли ознакомление с планом развития интеллектуальной школы, оценка учебных достижений учащихся и анализ  современных подходов, применяемых в библиотечном деле. Также, они посетили различные […]

Student of Taraz Intellectual school received two million tenge for the implementation of the business

Twelfth grade student of the Taraz Intellectual school Dana Kurmanbek won two million tenge for the implementation of her business project for the production of whey powder. Her business initiative was supported by the national chamber of entrepreneurs “Atameken” within the framework of the program “Business road map 2020″. – In our country, whey powder […]

School principal congratulated the winners of the network competition of scientific projects

Today the principal of Taraz Intellectual school Timur Nurkeshov congratulated the winners of the network competition of scientific projects and their leaders.  Among them Aruzhan Kenesbekova, 1st place in chemistry, Alizhan Sholpanbekov 2nd  place in physics, Bauyrzhan Apil and Ersultan Tursun, who took 3rd place for local history, Darina Mukhamedzhanova 3rd place in biology and […]

Білікті ұстаз – мектеп әлемін өзгертеді

Нұр-Сұлтан қаласында «Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептері» дербес білім беру ұйымының «Мектеп әлемін өзгертетін ұстаздар» атты XI халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференциясының алғашқы күні қортындыланды. Алқалы жиында әлемнің түкпір-түкпірінен жиналған екі мыңнан астам педагог бас қосты. Олардың қатарында Қазақстанның әр өңірінен келген мұғалімдер, ғалымдар, білім беру мекемелерінің басшылары, АҚШ, Ұлыбритания, Израиль, Норвегия, Нидерланды, Франция, Жапония, Сингапур, Гонконг, Вьетнам, Австралия, […]

The winners of the volleyball games were determined

The II regional volleyball Spartakiad took place in Taraz Intellectual school. The names of the winning teams became known. Within three days 100 young volleyball players of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Pavlodar, Taldykorgan, Kostanay, Semey, Petropavlovsk and Taraz competed for prizes. In addition to the games, every day of the competition was filled with […]

More than 200 teachers of the region took part in the seminar

More than 200 teachers of Zhambyl region took part in the seminar organized at the Intellectual school of Taraz.  The theme of the event was devoted to the peculiarities of teaching subjects of natural and mathematical direction. The practical seminar was divided into 6 subject sections, covered 44 leading schools in the region. Teachers of […]

Достықтың алғашқы кірпіштері қаланды

Тараздағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінде алғаш рет облыстық лицейлер мен мектептердің ата-аналары арасындағы Достық спартакиадасы өтті. Жарыста облыстық үш тілде оқытатын мектеп, «Білім-инновация» ер балалар лицей-интернаты, «Білім-инновация» қыз балалар лицей-интернаты, «Дарын» мектеп-интернаты, ІТ лицей және Тараздағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептің ата-аналар командасы бақ сынады. – Ата-ана ретінде мұндай спорттық шараларға қатысуға әрдайым дайынбыз. Дарынды балаларды тәрбиелейтін мектептердің […]

Екі жақты келісім жаңа көкжиектерге жол ашпақ

Бүгін Тараздағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінің оқушылары мен мұғалімдері жергілікті педагогикалық университет басшыларымен кездесті. Кездесуде оқушыларды робототехника және астрофизика салаларында зерттеулермен айналысуға тарту мәселесі талқыланды. – Олимпиадаларға қатысып, ғылыми-зерттеумен айналысу – өз мүмкіндігіңді өлшеуге арналған жақсы құрал. Оқушы күнімде мен математикалық олимпиадаларға көп қатысатынмын. Ол кезде мынадай тамаша кітапханалар бізде болған жоқ. Осы мүмкіндіктердің барлығын пайдаланыңыздар, […]

Ученики посетили премьеру спектакля «Гроза»

Более 100 учащихся вместе с учителями русского языка и литературы Интеллектуальной школы Тараза посетили премьеру спектакля «Гроза», поставленного по произведению А.Н. Островского. Несмотря на то, что «Гроза» – довольно популярное произведение и часто представляется на сцене театров мира, режиссер-дебютант Марина Прославич представила его на суд юным зрителям по-новому. Ученики с особым интересом следили за развитием […]

Мектеп аумағына 20-ға жуық ағаш отырғызылды

«Жастар жылындағы жасыл желек!» осындай атаумен бүгін Тараздағы Зияткерлік мектепте ағаш отырғызу акциясы өтті. Акция барысында мектеп аумағына 20-ға жуық қайың, жәңкіш және арша ағаштары отырғызылды.          Шара «Қазпочта» акционерлік қоғамының Жамбыл облысындағы филиалы қолдауымен Жастар жылына орай ұйымдастырылды. Алғашқы ағашты мектеп директоры Тимур Нуркешов пен «Қазпочта» ұжымының өкілдері отырғызып, кейінгі тізгінді 7-сынып оқушыларына ұстатты. […]

Students visited the play “Aisha Bibi”

Students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school visited the historical performance “Aisha Bibi”. The production of the Zhambyl regional drama theater was watched by about 150 students. Participation in the cultural and educational event was initiated by teachers of the Kazakh language and literature of the school. – We wanted our students to see a performance that […]

Мектепте қос қуаныш тойланды

Бүгін Тараздағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінде қос бірдей қуаныш. Бірі мұғалімдер мерекесі болса, екінші қуаныш биология мұғалімі Инна Аксенованың салтанатты түрде «Үздік педагог» төсбелгісімен марапатталуы. Төсбелгімен қатар Инна Аксеноваға білім және ғылым министрі Асхат Аймағамбетов екі жарым миллион тенге көлемінде сыйақы табыстады. Естеріңізге сала кетейік, биология мұғалім-эксперті Инна Аксенова «Үздік педагог-2019» байқауына қатысып, оның қалалық, облыстық […]

Ұстаздар ұлықталған күн болды

Мұғалімдер мерекесі Тараздағы Зияткерлік мектепте таңғы құттықтаудан басталды. Мектеп алдына тізілген оқушылар мен ата-аналар ұстаздарды жеке-жеке қарсы алып, құттықтау тілектерін жаудырды. Артынша мұғалімдер қауымы «Голливуд» стилінде безендірілген фотозоналарда суретке түсіп, өздерін жұлдыздай сезінуге мүмкіндік алды. Сондай-ақ жоғары сынып оқушылары ұстаздарына демалыс сыйлау үшін сабақтарды өздері жүргізіп, тіпті мектепті басқару шаруаларын да өз мойындарына алды. Ал […]

Students studied the problems of the village

During the summer holidays, students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school Taraz spent two weeks in the village, studied the problems faced by the villagers. Familiarity with rural life was carried out in the framework of the social practice of Intellectual schools “2 weeks in the village”. Recently, school students presented the results of these practices. – […]

Intellectual school in Taraz started a new project

Today, the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz hosted the opening of the social project “Urpaktar sabaktastygy”, aimed at supporting and respecting lonely elderly people. About 50 elderly people and representatives of the social center were invited to the opening ceremony. Students and teachers of the school held master classes on arts and crafts for grandparents, […]

More than 1,500 people took part in the September Health Day

More than 1500 people took part in the September Health Day organized by Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. On this day, school staff, students and their parents competed in different sports. Health day was opened by the school principal Timur Nurkeshov,  who noted the importance of this event for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. […]

The students of NIS Taraz became the winners of the youth games

Students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school became winners of the regional competition “First youth games” in Taraz. In the competition, which gathered more than 300 students of the region, Abylaikhan Abilkhan took second place in the long jump, Elnur Abdualiyev took third place running a distance of 100 meters. Also, the school girls’ volleyball team won […]

Педагог Интеллектуальной школы Тараза признана «Учителем года»

Учитель Интеллектуальной школы Тараза Инна Аксенова признана победителем республиканского конкурса «Учитель года 2019». Инна Валериевна Аксёнова учитель-эксперт биологии Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы физико-математического направления города Тараз с 2013 года. Профессиональная компетентность педагога подтверждена на республиканских и международных конкурсах последних лет. Она является победителем международного конкурса «Новые идеи» (2016г.), республиканского конкурса «Фестиваль идей» (2016 г.), республиканской олимпиады […]

Students shared the results of the project “Tugan еlge tagzym”

Students of Intellectual schools of Aktobe and Kokshetau visited Taraz within the Patriotic project “Tugan еlge tagzym”. As part of the week-long local history expedition, students got acquainted with the historical, cultural, scientific and industrial features of the region. In order to organize the support of the expedition group, was formed a volunteer group from […]

158 students accepted this year to NIS Taraz

Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz held an event that has become a tradition – the dedication of seventh graders to the ranks of NIS students. The solemn oath to study well and develop pronounced this year 158 seventh graders. The ceremony began with the grand opening, accompanied by a concert program prepared by the creative […]

Students of Taraz Intellectual school gathered more than 50 kg of garbage

More than 50 kilograms of garbage was collected by students of Taraz Intellectual school during the environmental campaign “Smiling earth day”, organized by the boarding school “Bilim-Innovation”. The event was attended by 60 school and college students. They were divided into teams and cleared from the garbage the territory of districts nearby to school. For […]

Students met with specialists in language development

Students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz met with specialists in the development of languages of the region. The meeting was organized by the teachers of the school dormitory in the framework of the project “Mamanga Zhuz Surak” to the day of languages. At the event students exchanged views with the chief methodologist of the […]

NIS Taraz teachers took part in the largest international conference

Teachers of Taraz Intellectual school Inna Aksenova and Inna Bogucharskaya took part in the largest European conference in the field of education ECER 2019 in Hamburg (Germany). They presented to the international scientific community the results of the study on the topic: “The introduction of organizational innovations in the professional development of teachers on the […]

В масштабной акции приняла участие и НИШ Тараза

К социальному проекту «Моему Учителю с любовью!» присоединилась и Назарбаев Интеллектуальная школа Тараза. В преддверии Дня учителя уникальный подарок в виде подписки на газету «Бiлiмдi ел – Образованная страна» сделали своим учителям ученики школы. Одиннадцатиклассница Айым Журсинали, оформила подписку на адрес Жамал Омирбаевой, учителя русского языка. – Вот такой замечательный подарок я получила совершенно неожиданно! […]

Were presented about thirty circles

Today, the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz hosted the presentation of more than 30 circles. There were presented all kinds of clubs that contribute to the versatile development of students, including rocket science, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, rock climbing, chess, football, volleyball. At the opening of the fair, Deputy Principal for pastoral care Aisha […]

“Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev: biography and creative ideas»

In Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz held a training seminar “Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev: biography and creative ideas”, organized by the staff  of the Elbasy library. In the event, organized in the framework of the project “N. Nazarbayev: age, personality, society” has acted the Director of the Elbasy library Amirkhan Rakhimzhanov and wished success to […]

Ұстаздар Президент Жолдауының негізгі бағыттарын талқылады

Бүгін, 2019 жыл 4 қыркүйекте Тараздық Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінде Мемлекет басшысы Қасым-Жомарт Тоқаевтың «Сындарлы қоғамдық  диалог – Қазақстанның тұрақтылығы мен өркендеуінің негізі» Жолдауы бойынша қызметкерлерге түсіндірме жұмысы жүргізілді. Жиынды мектеп директоры Тимур Нуркешов ашып, жолдаудың әлеуметтік-экономикалық тұрғыдан өзектілігін, халықтың әл-ауқатын көтерудегі маңызын атап өтті. Құжаттағы білім беру бағытына тоқталып, оқушылардың қабілетіне сай кәсіби бағдар беру […]

Жаңа оқу жылы – жаңа бағдар, жаңа жетістіктер

New school year – new goals, new achievements!

Today in Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz celebrated the day of knowledge on the subject “Sanaly Urpak – Zharkyn Bolashak”. For new knowledge and achievements came to school students after an eventful vacation. After all, over the summer they took an active part in school projects “Two weeks in the village”, “10 days at the […]

Breakout sessions of the August conference were held

Breakout sessions of the traditional August conference of teachers were held on August 26-27, 2019. The first meeting was held on the basis of a multidisciplinary gymnasium №41, which was attended by about 750 primary school teachers and pre-school training area. The meeting was also attended by specialists of the Department of education, staff of […]

В Уральске началась реализация первого в республике проекта по внедрению новой стратегии педагогических колледжей

Сегодня в Уральске началась реализация первого в республике проекта по внедрению новой стратегии педагогических колледжей. Совместный проект NIS и высшего педагогического колледжа имени Ж.Досмухамедова будет реализован в соответствии с меморандумом, подписанный акиматом Западно-Казахстанской области и автономной организацией образования «Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы». В открытии проекта примут участие аким Западно-Казахстанской области Гали Искалиев, председатель правления автономной организации […]


Students of the Intellectual school of Taraz Yerslan Shakenov and Ayan Zhapsar will go to the educational trip to the University of Cranfield. This opportunity the guys got by becoming finalists of the contest “Nazarbayev Fund Schools Challenge”. Ayan and Yerslan presented their design, technology, technical solutions and ideas aimed at improving the efficiency of […]


A solemn ceremony of handing animal tracking devices to Kazakh farmers was held in Almaty. Samsung and Korean startup team Lives’talk gave 50 GPS trackers to breeders in Almaty region. The Lives’talk team leader  Yoon Youngchan introduced high-tech solution to the representatives of local administrations, farmers and investors. The special guest of the ceremony was […]


Students of Taraz Intellectual school performed at the Kazakh National Academy of arts named after T. K. Zhurgenov. The event was timed to the solemn closing of the project “IV Art academy of UNESCO clubs”. The ten-day educational program was attended by 50 gifted students who passed the competitive selection. Among them pupils of Taraz […]


Ақтөбе және Көкшетау қалаларының Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектеп оқушылары «Туған елге тағзым» патриоттық жобасы аясында Тараз жеріне келді. Апталық өлкетану-экспедициясы кезінде оқушылар аймақтың табиғи-климаттық, тарихи-мәдени, ғылыми-оқыту және индустриялды ерекшеліктерімен танысып, зерттеу жүргізді. – Екі мың жылдық тарихы бар Тараз қаласына келіп рухани жаңғырдық десек болады. Жоба жұмысымды да дәл солай атадым. Қаланың тарихымен, нысандарымен танысып, білім […]


Teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz taught English to more than 70 students of city schools. The ten-day course included not only English, but also a variety of interactive activities. These include intellectual and sports games, creative competitions and trainings. The English language course was offered free of charge to children from low-income families. […]


Students of the 12th grade of Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz held a traditional graduation party at the school. The farewell party was attended by both school graduates and their parents. The evening began with the ceremony of awarding secondary education certificates to 88 graduates. It is worth noting that six of them graduated from […]


Dilnaz Tursynbekova, a student of the 11th grade of  Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz will go to USA. She participated in the TechGirls 2019 program organized by the US State Department and is one of six winners from Kazakhstan. Dilnaz emerged victorious after successfully completing the tasks of the previous stages. The challenges included writing […]


Students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz took an active part in TED-Ed Student Talks. Under the guidance of English teacher Nagima Sarsenbaeva 15 students of the school for five months read different books with illustrations, scientific literature in English, conducted small sociological research, and prepared individual performances in the TED style. Nagima Sarsenbayeva accidentally […]


“Spark” team of Taraz Intellectual school is in the top five among 60 teams of the Republic. Team “Spark” of the Nazarbayev Intellecutally school in Taraz where Diana Namazbayeva, Kymbat Khalymbetova, Aigerim, Duiset and Aneliya Abdimalik among the five best of the 60 teams that took part in the “Technovation challenge”. Their mobile application “Kindmind” […]


“Library of the future”, “Mechanical hand”, “Wireless table”, methods of preserving eye health, application for the deaf and many other interesting things were presented by students of the Taraz Intellectual school during the Festival of scientific projects. During the exhibition, the authors and their supervisors demonstrated their researchs, prototypes, models and projects. In general, more […]


As part of the project “Bir shanyrak astynda” in the Intellectual school of Taraz held an exhibition and fair of works by Dilafruz Makhmaduloeva, head of the creative studio “Azhur”. Students and staff of the school also took part in a creative master class in crochet. A fair gave the opportunity to purchase knitted soft […]


“Is fast food popular in Taraz?”, “What are your prejudices about the US?”, “Why are only girls in your school?”, “How is Nauryz kozhe prepared? “,  “Is the sushi “Philadelphia” popular in Philadelphia?” and other questions were asked each other during the online meeting by students from Kazakhstan and the United States. In order to […]


The team of Taraz Intellectual school took the first place in the I team-intellectual game “Creative-tartys”. The team “Region_08”, which included students of the 7th grade of the school Ilyar Seitov, Ratmir Sariev, Inkara Dauletova, Timur Yesemov and Abay Omirzak won first place in the I team-intellectual game “Creative-tartys”. The game was played online and […]


In the eve of May 9 in the Intellectual school of Taraz held a concert dedicated to the Victory Day. Together with the participants of the festive program, the audience “turned over” several pages of that distant and terrible war and remembered how it all was. From the stage sounded songs of war years “Kukushka”, […]


8th-grade students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz – Adelya Serikhanova, Milana Namazbayeva and Aknur Sherkhan became winners at the International competition of masters of applied art “Art Bazar” – the Great silk road. The main prize Grand Prix was won by Adelya Serikhanova with creative work “Uly Zhibek Zholy”. The project of Milana […]


Автономной организацией образования «Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы» и Управлением образования акимата Жамбылской области 3 мая 2019 года был проведен методический день для руководящих кадров области в рамках перехода на обновленное содержания образования. В методический день на базе Жамбылского политехнического высшего колледжа собрались 326 педагогических работников области. Это руководители и сотрудники областного управления образования, руководители и специалисты […]


Kazakhstan is a multi-ethnic country, where today representatives of more than a hundred ethnic groups, united in more than 40 confessions, live in friendship and harmony. Our wise people have always respected different cultures, preserving peace and harmony among peoples. In order to clarify the notions of friendship and interethnic accord in the country in […]


Students of Taraz Intellectual school became winners of the Republican contest “The best scientific project-2019” among students of secondary schools, organized within the framework of the Year of youth. The Grand Prix went to Zhansaya Bainabayeva as a result of successful presentation of scientific and research work. With the same success presented her work Aidana […]


Two gold and bronze were won by students of Taraz Intellectual school at the All-Russian Olympiad “Sozvezdie-2019” in Korolev city of Moscow. Darina Mukhamedzhanova and Dias Kosherbay won gold medals and Faimi Zufarov won bronze in the Twentieth All-Russian contest of research and training projects for children and young people “Sozvezdie-2019”.  All of them are […]


In Taraz held the Regional stage of the World Robot Olympiad 2019 (WRO-2019) . More than 130 talented children of Zhambyl region gathered on the basis of Nazarbayev Intellectual school. In total, 367 teams participated in the competition, 115 of them presented Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. – I came to the competition with my […]


At once 700 book lovers of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz gathered in the traditional mass action on book exchange “Book conquers the world!”. The annual event for the third time brought together all book lovers: students, employees and parents. Large-scale event under the symbolic name “Book conquers the world!” held as part of the […]

NIS of Taraz and Korean Lives’ Talk signed a memorandum

A memorandum of cooperation between Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Taraz and startup company Lives’ Talk from South Korea was signed  in the capital. The memorandum gives new perspectives of bilateral cooperation in the field of science, particularly, in the work on special GPS tracker for farmers. – Signing the memorandum with […]


Three students of the Intellectual school in Taraz – Sanzhar Almasbekov, Beknur Yeszhanov and Murat Toishybayev took third place in the team standings in the VI Republican complex Olympiad “Sardar”. Within two days more than 60 children of the Republican schools “Zhas Ulan”, specialized schools for gifted children, lyceums, secondary schools from all cities of […]


In order to provide post-course methodological support for physics, chemistry, computer science and biology teachers, whom are expected to teach in English, was held a seminar “Introduction to the Practice of Teaching Subjects in English at Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz». The event was organized by Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz. It was attended by […]


Seven scientific-research works of NIS Taraz students became the prizewinners of All-Russian contest of youth research works named. V. I. Vernadsky. Having successfully passed the 1st round of the competition, a delegation of 11 students went to Moscow to participate in the second full-time round. The Expert Council of the competition highly noted the level […]


Gold and silver of the International computer project competition “Infomatrix-Asia 2019” won the students of the Intellectual school in Taraz. Aimira Terlikbayeva and Ardak Alipova competed in the category of computer graphics and art. For the originality of creative thinking and technical skills, they were awarded the gold and silver medal of the competition. Also, […]


Teachers of physical culture of Intellectual school in Taraz took the first and second places in the Republican scientific and practical conference “Innovations in education, physical culture and sport”. Askar Niyazaliyev, head of the methodological unit “Physical culture and initial military training”, made a report “Physical culture at school, innovative technologies in the pedagogical process”, […]


Creative works of 6 students of Taraz Intellectual school won prizes in the International competition of Central Asian folk crafts “Art Bazar – Time of tulips”. The first place of the competition was won by Merey Zhaksylykova with the work “Golden man” in the technique of Chi weaving, performed under the guidance of art teacher […]


In Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz held a traditional military-sports competition “Batyrlar urpagy”.  The competition was dedicated to the 74th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic war and the memory of soldiers killed on the Tajik-Afghan border. Teams of students and their fathers, grandfathers and brothers competed in such types of military-applied sports as: […]


The research work of students of the Intellectual school in Taraz won the first place in the International competition. Work in chemistry of 12 grade students Aidana Daniyarkyzy and Azamat Sultanbai  “Synthesis and study of properties of materials based on cadmium sulfide, obtained by the sol-gel method”  won the first place of the International scientific […]


Startups from South Korea are interested in the opening of students of the Intellectual school  in Taraz and declared their readiness to bear the costs of its implementation. The South Korean team Lives’talk has developed a modern device that determines the location of animals in the pasture in a few seconds. Thus, experts have solved […]


A full grant of the Kazakh National University won Nurtore Amangeldi, 11th grade student of  the Intellectual school in Taraz. The grant of one of the best universities of the country and the 3rd degree diploma went to Nurtore as a result of participation in the Republican oympiad “Al-Farabi” organized by Kazakh National University. Of […]


For the first time the team of Taraz Intellectual school took part in the race “Shymkent Marathon-2019”. The school was presented by 10 people. Among them, the school principal Talgat Bainazarov, who overcame the distance of 21 km. With the same distance earlier, he overcame marathons in Shymkent and Astana. His next goal is to […]


Employees of the Department of Emergency Situations in Zhambyl region held preventive lectures for students of Taraz Intellectual school. For the purposes of teaching students to act in emergency situations of natural and technogenic character, as well as the measures for their prevention the professionals of the DES organized lectures on the topics: – “Fire […]


The leading cardiologist of the region Seitkhan Joshybayev met with the students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz. In the school project “Danalyk beisenbi” students of the Intellectual school met with a Doctor of medical sciences, President of the Association of cardiovascular surgeons of Kazakhstan, Director of Scientific clinical center of cardiac surgery and transplantation […]


Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz held a two-day training seminar on the translation of experience in the organization of educational work, the third in the 2018-2019 academic year. Participants of the event this time were about 90 deputy principals for pastoral work of city and district schools. The work of the seminar began with the […]


88 graduates of Taraz Intellectual school in memory of school years planted young fir trees, continuing the annual tradition. Twelfth grade students decided to start their adult life with planting alleys of graduates. They planted Tien Shan spruce, which is considered an eternal tree, a symbol of fertility and the continuation of life. Planting a […]


10th grade sudent of Taraz Nazarbayev Intellectual school Sharapat Aidarova became the winner of the Republican Olympiad. Sharapat performed at the Republican subject Olympiad in the Kazakh language, which was held in Kyzylorda from 25 to 30 March 2019. She successfully passed 2 rounds of the competition – essay writing, oral test and was awarded […]


March 30, 2019 in Taraz held a regional conference “Research activities of teachers.” The organizers were Nazarbayev Intellectual school and the Center for pedagogical mastery. The purpose of the conference was to exchange experience and summarize the research work of teachers on the development of education in the context of globalization. The conference was attended […]


On March 29, 2019, the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz together with the Center for pedagogical mastery and the regional educational-methodical office held a regional seminar on “Subject-language integrated learning (CLIL)” and “Methods of differentiation in the classroom”. In the event of experience translation gathered 93 teachers from the region who exchanged experiences on the […]

Master classes and trainings are organized for pilot school teachers

On March 26-27, 2019, teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz organized and conducted master classes, trainings and seminars for teachers of pilot schools. The teachers of versatile gymnasium No. 41 named after Pushkin and school-lyceum №1 of Kulan village became participants of the training “Development of students’ leadership skills” and the master class “Integration […]

Results of IX Nauryz Meetings

Within the framework of the Year of youth, IX Nauryz Meetings of the Autonomous educational organization “Nazarbayev Intellectual schools” were held in Kyzylorda. The theme is “Space. Science. Intelligence.» More than 200 students of Intellectual and secondary schools from all over the country gathered at one of the largest scientific platforms for young scientists. Akim […]

Defined the authors of the best pedagogical innovations

Pedagogical developments of Taraz Intellectual school teachers are recognized as the best at the regional fair of pedagogical innovations. The fair, organized by the Center of pedagogical mastery and the regional teaching office, the work of history teachers Lyubov Isataeva and Nasibakhan Iskakova took first place. On the second place of the fair was awarded […]

Meeting with a successful alumnus of NIS

Azat Suleimenov, one of the first graduates of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Astana, shared with the history of his success. Today, March 15, 2019 during an online meeting Azat told students of Taraz Intellectual school his story of success. Azat is a doctoral student in mechanical engineering at Boston University. And in 2014 he graduated […]

Победитель конкурса эссе «Discover Kazakhstan»

  The 11th grade student of Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz Alizhan Sholpanbekov became the winner of the annual essay contest “Discover Kazakhstan”. For his essay Alizhan chose the theme “Role of youth in transformation of public consciousness”. – He worked hard and very long on this essay, conducted research in the framework of the […]

Interactive teaching methods shared associate Professor NU

The theme of the seminar, held on March 12, 2019 by the associate Professor of the Higher school of education of Nazarbayev University, Sulushash Kerimkulova was “Interactive teaching methods”. Sulushash Ihsanovna spoke about the importance of the transition from traditional teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning. She also shared such teaching methods as: interactive lecture, interactive […]

A presentation on “The role of academic programs in the development of global citizens»

International specialist in education, associate professor of Nazarbayev University, author of multiple articles and books in the field of school education Mir Afzal on March 11, 2019 held a presentation “The role of academic programs in the development of global citizens” for teachers of the Intellectual school in Taraz. In his presentation, he spoke about […]

Intellectual game among UNESCO Clubs

Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz organized intellectual game “IQ-game” among UNESCO clubs of Zhambyl region. The game, dedicated to the year of youth of Kazakhstan and the 10th anniversary of the Kazakhstan national Federation of UNESCO clubs, was attended by high school № 1 S. Sarykemer, Zhambyl-innovative College, Zhambyl regional specialized boarding school for gifted […]

“Global citizenship: myth and reality”

In recent decades, the pace of globalization has become much faster, affecting the accelerated development of mankind. And what is the role and place of each person in these global transformations and world development? In order to find answers to these questions and the formation of students’ qualities inherent in a global citizen, the school […]

The basis of happiness – “Strong family”

Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz is implementing an international project to strengthen the relationship between parents and their teenage children “Strong family”. For seven weeks school’s certified coachs – psychologist Nurbanu Baytelieva and curator Saya Piskentbaeva spent family session hours with 20 students and their parents. At the beginning of each class, parents and children […]

The winner of scientific conference

At the VI Republican conference of research works of students, held at the Kazakh national university named after Al-Farabi, a student of 8th grade Aruzhan Zhaksylyk took 1st place. Aruzhan successfully defended the project “Mathematical calculations of “algorithm of victory” in the volleyball game” and won a prize at the conference. The student prepared her […]

The main prize of the “Spelling Bee” is in the school piggy bank

A student of Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz won a trip to England. Sergey Kim, 10th grade student of Taraz Intellectual school – winner of the main prize of the academic project “Spelling Bee”, organized by educational company Education First (EF). Sergey will attend a two-week EF language course in Eastbourne, in the South of […]

“Tradition is the basis of national education”

A master class on “Tradition is the basis of national education” was held in the dorm of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. The purpose of the event, organized with the participation of students of the dorm and parents – to instill in students an interest in the culture of the Kazakh people. The master class […]


In Taraz, experts from South Korea shared their experience of effective organization of pastoral work with teachers of Intellectual schools. Within three days, librarians, curators and tutors of NIS from all regions of the Republic participated in master classes of Korean colleagues. The seminar “Development of students’ scientific creativity and moral principles” was held by […]

The seminar of the regional level was held in the Intellectual school of Taraz

About 200 teachers of the region, including heads of secondary schools, took part in a seminar on the translation of the experience of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools. The participants of the seminar “Effective methods of management and training in the framework of the updated content of education” were the leaders, mathematics, art and physical culture teachers […]

Grand Prix in the essay competition

The main prize of the competition Grand Prix was won by a student of the Intellectual school in Taraz. Togzhan Ismail, a student of the 9th grade of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz became the winner of the Republican essay contest “Magnificent picture”. The organizer of the annual competition is the training center “Daraboz”. In […]

NIS Taraz team – in the top three

The team of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz parents is among the winners of the regional Spartakiad. The bronze medal was won by the parents of the Taraz Intellectual school in the Spartakiad, organized among the parents’ teams of the Shymkent, Kyzylorda and Taraz Intellectual schools. The team of Taraz Intellectual school demonstrated good results […]


The dance contest “BI-battle-2019” was held among the dance groups of Taraz schools. It was attended by representatives of high schools № 40, № 45, Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz, school for gifted children “Daryn”, schools “A-status” and “Inzhu”. Dance battle is held annually by choreographers of Taraz Intellectual school. The goal is to awaken […]

Intellectual school of Taraz won 3 places at once

At once 3 projects of Taraz Nazarbayev Intellectual school students were among the winners of the Republican competition of scientific projects in general subjects. Faimi Zufarov, Moldir Baimakhan, Abylai Sydykov, Aktoty Bostan and Mira Mirzabaeva – here are the names of the winners of the most prestigious annual competition among schoolchildren of the Republic of […]

A planned seminar for teachers of pilot schools was held

The seminar for teachers of pilot schools was organized by teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools of Taraz together with trainers of the local Center of pedagogical mastery. Deputy principal of the Intellectual school Aisha Zholdasbekova shared her experience in creating a school community “Shanyrak”, and teachers-psychologists conducted a training on “Emotional intelligence – the basis […]

The team “Aurum” – winner of JRC-2019

  The robotics team “Aurum” of the Intellectual school in Taraz became the winner of the Republican contest on robotics JRC – 2019. Abzal Serikbay and Almat Ybray took the 2nd place in the direction of Lego labyrinth in the Republican competition for the assembly of robots JRC-2019. Students’ supervisor is the IT teacher Bogdan […]

Determined the best Arlan of NIS Taraz

The traditional military-sports competition “Kazakh arlan” was held in the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. In the competition the school boys competed in five kinds of military-applied sports. At the opening ceremony of the event were the Chairman of the regional Council of veterans of the Tajik-Afghan war Batyrbek Sagyndykov and retired lieutenants Rysmakhanbet Zhusupov, […]

Students met with veterans of the Afghan war

In honor of the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz met with veterans of the Afghan war. Guests of the meeting “Erlikke tagzym” were veterans of the region Kairat Maldybaev, Abdizhappar Abekov, Bauyrzhan Abdiyev and Meirkhan Talzhigitov. They told the students about the events […]

Ivan Krepak is a new face of Kazakhstan

Ivan Krepak, 12th grade student from Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Almaty, was among the winners of the project “100 New Faces of Kazakhstan”. Initially there were 2000 participants, but only 29 best participants were selected to meet with the President Nursultan Nazarbayev in Kazmedia center, Astana. Among them was robotics technician […]

The winners of the I Republican contest of scientific projects “Gylym zhane tagylym”

Students of the Intellectual school of Taraz were awarded with prizes for conducting socially-economically important research. At the first Republican contest of scientific projects “Gylym zhane tagylym” organized in the framework of “Tugan jerge tagzym” 9th grader Kadyrkhan Ryskaly, 10th graders Asel Kenzhebay and Malika Temirtayeva won 3st places. Young researchers from all regions of […]

Implementing best international practices

The Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz is implementing the international program “Strong family”. The program is aimed at strengthening trust between parents and adolescents. Within seven weeks, teachers-psychologists, curators and tutors of the school will work with groups of 10 parents with their teenage children. During the seminar, parents will discuss what children of this […]

Victory at the XV Baltic scientific and engineering competition

Students of Taraz Nazarbayev Intellectual school became holders of diplomas and special prizes of the jury of the XV Baltic scientific and engineering competition of research works in the sections “Biology” and “Ecology”. Projects of Damir Usibaliev, Darina Lysakova and Darina Mukhamedzhanova were awarded diplomas of the III degree and special prizes of the scientific […]

“The generation of independence is bright youth!»

More than 150 students of city and region schools gathered at the forum of young leaders of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz “The generation of independence is bright youth!». “The purpose of today’s forum is the implementation of events dedicated to the year of youth, the creation of conditions for mutual exchange of experience in […]

Guest of “Wise Thursday” – the rector of TarSPU Yerzhan Amirbekuly

Students of the Intellectual school of Taraz listened to the lecture of the Taraz state pedagogical university, Doctor of economic sciences Yerzhan Amirbekuly. The lecture was devoted to the topic “Global competitiveness, industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan” and was organized within the framework of the traditional school project “Wise Thursday”. Yerzhan Amirbekuly spoke about […]

The seminar for school leaders was completed

The permanent seminar for heads of secondary schools of the region “Leadership and management” has completed its work. At the final stage, the participants continued to discuss the question: “What should be the head of a modern school”. Taking into account the wishes of the participants at the previous seminars, issues on the organization of […]

Сaravan of good

In the last days of January, students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz visited a number of centers for children with disabilities. It was possible to cheer up the pupils of the center through various games and exciting activities. Also, students gave children toys and sweets. – Such caravans of good, which have become an […]

Education system in Kazakhstan

A series of training seminars for rural schools

Teachers and students of secondary schools named after Abay of Zhambyl district and village Kostobe of Baizak district got acquainted with the system of educational work, namely with the work of the student community “Shanyrak” during the January training seminars. During the seminar, teachers-organizers-curators of the Taraz Intellectual school shared the content of the work […]

More than 1000 teachers have been trained in the online mode

More than 1000 teachers – methodologists of city education departments, subject teachers of natural and mathematical cycle took part in an online seminar of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. The seminar was held on January 28, 2019 with the support of the educational and methodical department of the regional department of education on the themes: […]

Teachers reviewed the effectiveness of methods of teaching lessons in schools-lyceums

96 teachers of Ryskulov district schools participated in the seminar “The effectiveness of the methods and techniques of teaching the Lyceum lessons”. The seminar was held jointly with the teachers of the Intellectual schools and methodologists of the Center for pedagogical mastery in Taraz within the framework of the project “Daryndy bala – yel bolashagy”. […]

Тәуелсіздік ұрпақтары – бүгінге тірек, ертеңге негіз

Жастардың бүгінге тірек, ертеңге негіз екенін ескерген Елбасы биылғы жылды Жастар жылы деп жариялады. ⠀ ⠀ Игі бастаманың тұсаукесері бүгін Астанадағы «Нұр-Әлем» кешенінде «Тәуелсіздік ұрпақтары» атауымен өтті. ⠀ ⠀ Жиында сөз болған өзекті ойларды ортаға салу мақсатында Тараздық Зияткерлік мектеп оқушылары шараның тікелей көрсетілімін тамашалады. ⠀ ⠀ – Бүгінгі жиында сөйлеген жас аға-əпкелеріміздің сөздерінен біраз […]

“Тәуелсіздіктің ұрпақтары” Жастар жылының ашылу салтанаты
Торжественной церемонии открытия Года молодежи.

The practice of organization of educational work is widespread

About 140 deputy principals on pastoral work of Zhambyl region schools took part in a seminar on experience dissemination of Taraz Intellectual school. The purpose of the seminar was to share the methods of organization of educational work on the example of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools. The seminar was aimed at the implementation of various social […]

Учителя Таразской Интеллектуальной школы вернулись с наградой с «Фестиваля педагогических идей – 2019!»

С серебряными наградами вернулись учителя Таразской Интеллектуальной школы с Республиканского конкурса «Фестиваль педагогических идей – 2019». Галия Есжанова, учитель истории и Елена Пак, учитель искусства получили серебряные медали на Фестивале педагогических идей, организованный Республиканским научно-практическим центром «Дарын». Призовых мест удостоились интеллектуальные труды педагогов на темы «Қазақстан тарихы сабағында оқушылардың жоғары ойлау дағдыларын дамыту» и «Проектная […]

Dear parents!

Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics of Taraz states that the transfer of a 7th-grade student of the Intellectual school to another Intellectual school is not carried out. In case of availability of vacancies, applicants are enrolled from the current reserve list during the academic year. The legal representative of 8th-grade student of the […]

Intellectual school of Taraz opened its doors for future applicants

More than 150 students of 6 classes of secondary schools and their parents visited the Intellectual school of Taraz on the Open Day.   Applicants not only from Taraz, but also from the whole Zhambyl region had the opportunity to get the most reliable information about the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz in an informal […]

Seminar for teachers of pilot schools

25 teachers of multidisciplinary school № 41 named after A.Pushkin took part in the seminar of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz, organized jointly with the Branch of the center of pedagogical mastery in Taraz. During the event, was organized a round table on the results of the 1st half of the joint work of […]

An online seminar for teachers of the region

Over 4500 teachers from the Zhambyl region took part in a two-day online seminar of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz. January 8-9, 2019 in the regional educational-methodical cabinet teachers of secondary schools of the region became listeners of the seminar-trainings: “Ways of drawing up tasks for formative and summative assessment in subjects of natural-mathematical […]

In Taraz continues the reception of documents to Nazarbayev Intellectual school

Principal of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz Talgat Bainazarov announced the reception of documents of applicants for learning in 7 classes. This was stated by the head of the school during a briefing in the regional communication service of Zhambyl region. – Autonomous organization of education “Nazarbayev Intellectual schools” in order to form a […]

Mathematics of Taraz Intellectual school – holders of 6 medals

6 medals – 1 silver and 5 bronzes were won by teachers of Taraz Intellectual school at the II Festival of Mathematics Teachers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools. The festival is held annually among the teachers of mathematics of the Intellectual Schools and is designed to stimulate creative self-realization and professional growth of teachers. – […]

10 prizes in the network olympiad of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools

Students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz won 10 prizes in the network contest among Intellectual schools in general education subjects. Participants of the contest are 30 winners of the regional olympiad: Sharapat Aydarova, Darina Muhamedzhanova, Timur Amangeldiev, Kasymzhomart Pernebek, Alihan Kalmahanbet, Muhammedali Tuytebaev, Nurzhigit Askaraliev, Abzal Madiev, Aida Chinalieva, Sayazhan Zhameledenova, Ali Tusupov, Anel […]

Учителя представили результаты своих исследований

Во время зимних каникул в Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школе города Тараз прошла традиционная постерная сессия исследований уроков и практики учителей. Были представлены результаты исследований учителей по следующим темам: – «Тарихи деректерді алгоритмдер арқылы құрылымды талдау дағдысын дамыту», Утегенова К.О., учитель истории; – «CLIL әдісі пәндік-тілдік кіріктірілген арнайы пәндерді қазақ тілінде оқыту үдерісі», Утешова А.Т., Жылымбетова Қ.О., […]

Traditional meeting of graduates

  The beginning of the new 2019 in the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz was marked by a meeting of graduates. This time Alma mater gathered about 100 graduates of 2015, 2016 and 2018 – students of leading Universities of the country and abroad, such as KazNU, KBTU, IITU, SDU, KAIST, Budapest University of Technology […]

The Vacation school has finished its work

During the winter holidays, more than 130 students of secondary schools of the region were trained in the Vacation school of  Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. The purpose of the Vacation school is to create conditions for students of 6 classes from various educational institutions of the region to develop their abilities to study natural […]

Steps to training taking into account the updated content of education

There was a regular meeting of teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz with teachers of Taraz state pedagogical university. The meeting was held in the framework of the Memorandum of cooperation between the two educational organizations on the training of teachers in accordance with the updated content of education. During the event, the teachers […]

New year program for children with disabilities

Theatrical new year’s performance for children with disabilities was organized in the Intellectual school of Taraz. The holiday celebration was attended by 50 children. This year, school students have prepared a new entertainment program for children. It involved a variety of characters: ice Jack, transformers, pirates, robbers, villains, Santa Claus. “It is so exciting to […]

The Intellectual school of Taraz held a solemn event dedicated to the Independence Day

On the eve of the national holiday in the Intellectual school of Taraz held a solemn event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Over 27 years of independence, thanks to the wise and balanced policy of the President, it was possible to form a unique Kazakh model of development. Such […]

Fair without sellers was held in the Intellectual school of Taraz

Teachers and students of Taraz Intellectual school dormitory organized a fair “Korzhyn”, which sold products created by students in the circle classes. The originality of the fair is that it was held without a seller. Employees and students purchased the necessary product, leaving the fee in a special box, replacing the usual sellers for us. […]

Signed a cooperation memorandum with Zhambyl region

Chairman of the Board of “Nazarbayev Intellectual schools” Kulyash Shamshidinova and akim of Zhambyl region Askar Myrzakhmetov signed a memorandum on cooperation in the field of education. During the signing of the document Kulyash Nogatayevna spoke about the importance and content of the updated education, about the school in an era of global change. 40 […]

The school was visited by a famous participant of running marathons

Students of Taraz Intellectual school met with South Kazakhstan runner Akmaral Meirman. The meeting “Better to be healthy” was organized within the framework of the school project “Smart Thursday”. In the format of business training, the guest of the meeting spoke about how to combine hobbies and work, what to eat and how to achieve […]

Intellectual warm-up at school break

School break is necessary for schoolchildren to rest between lessons. And so that the guys would not be bored and be able to spend this time with benefit, the chemistry chemists of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz city came up with an entertaining intellectual warm-up for them by organizing a corner of board games in […]

The regional workshop was held for teachers of 40 leading schools

On December 5, 2018 on the basis of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz held a regional workshop: “The specifics of teaching subjects of social and humanitarian cycle in the framework of the updated content of education.” Principals and teachers, who teach in 6-8 classes of 40 leading schools of the region, took part in […]

XII International conference of the World Association of Lesson Studies –WALS 2018

From 23 to 26 November 2018, Beijing hosted the XII international conference of the World Association of Lesson Studies –WALS 2018 “Lesson Study and Teacher Education: International dialogue”. It was attended by more than 1,000 researchers from 36 countries. This year the scientific event was held at Beijing normal University. Teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual school […]

Results of the VI International creative competition of mathematics, physics and informatics teachers

On December 1-2, 2018, in Almaty was held the VI International creative competition of mathematics, physics and informatics teachers. The competition is organized by the Republican scientific and practical center “Daryn” together with the Republican public Association “Kazakhstan Association of mathematics teachers” with the support of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic […]

Was held a dombra players flash mob on The day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Performed by young virtuosos of the dombra circle of the Intellectual school of Taraz, legendary kui dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan were performed. “Balbyraun” people’s kui”, Kelinshek”, “Kara zhorga” and “Yerke sylkym” of Abdimomun Zheldibaev performed more than 50 students of the Intellectual school of Taraz, in […]

Meeting students with a young entrepreneur

On November 26, students of the Intellectual School of Taraz met with young entrepreneur Rakhymzhan Auganbayev as part of the career guidance work. Rakhymzhan spoke about the features of entrepreneurship, shared his secrets of success and answered the questions of the guys. There were a lot of questions: how to start a business, where to […]

Seminar for teachers of pilot schools

November 24, 2018 Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz together with the Branch of the center of pedagogical excellence in Taraz held a seminar for 44 teachers of pilot schools. Teachers of school-Lyceum No. 1 of the Kulan village in T. Ryskulov district and the multidisciplinary gymnasium No. 41 of Taraz became the participants of the […]

Meeting of students with representatives of medical institutions of the city

“Appreciate your life: say no to smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction” under this name was a meeting of students of the Intellectual school of Taraz with representatives of city medical institutions. The importance of a healthy lifestyle and the consequences of bad habits told the children B. Sarybaeva, pedagogue-specialist of the regional center of formation of […]

Opening of the new season of the social project «Shyn zhurekten»

On November 21, the Intellectual school of Taraz held a meeting of representatives of social service organizations with students of the school. The meeting was devoted to the opening of the new season of the social project “Shyn zhurekten” and summarizing the work over the past year. Guests of the school-the staff of the centers […]

Within the project “100 Kazakh songs»

  To familiarize students with the works of the early departed from the life of the talented poet Serik Tomanov, in the library of the Intellectual school of Taraz held a meeting with his wife, Bibigul Orazbayeva and his disciple, the famous composer of Zhambyl region Sarsenbek Bakir. The meeting was organized within the project […]

“Fun starts”

“Fun starts” – under this name in the Intellectual school of Taraz held a sports competition to the day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Teams of parents and employees of the school took part in the competition, the purpose of which was to improve communication between the family and the school […]

«Ulttyk tarbie – ult bolashagy»

On November 13, 2018 students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school met with the department head of the Branch of JSC CRK «Orleu» Institute of improvement of professional skills of pedagogical workers of Zhambyl region Ospanbayeva Makhabbat Pernebayevna. A meeting on the theme “Ulttyk tarbie – ult bolashagy” was held in the framework of the school […]

Scientific-practical conference

In November 2018, on the basis of the Almaty state humanitarian pedagogical College №2 was held the Republican scientific and practical conference with international participation “Pedagogical heritage as a value guide for the development of the national education system”. The aim of the conference was to understand the practical experience of teachers in the light […]

Students of Taraz Intellectual school are winners of the competition of public speaking.

On November 10, 2018 in Almaty in the small hall of KIMEP University was held the II international competition of oratory “English speech and storytelling contest”. The competition is a joint project of educational centers “Burningbush Korea” and “Global college, Canada”. The aim of the competition was to improve the English language skills of the […]

Continuation of the seminar for managers of secondary schools of Zhambyl region

On November 9, 2018, a seminar on the translation of experience for school leaders was continued, organized by the Department of education of akimat of Zhambyl region, the center of pedagogical excellence in Taraz and Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics of Taraz. The seminar was attended by 40 principals and deputy principals of […]

Indian magazine “IMAGINE” recognized Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz “School of the Month”

Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz became the “School of the Month” according to the Indian magazine “Imagine”. Imagine is a resource in the form of the MagBook, which provides students of India with up-to-date information in all subject areas in a creative form and allows them to expand academic knowledge. In “Imagine” magazine works Asiya […]

Summed up the olympiad in physics and mathematics for teachers

  The results of remote internet olympiadof the Republican scientific and practical center “Daryn” in physics and mathematics among teachers, which was held from 23 to 25 October 2018, were summed up. The organizers of the Olympiad emphasized the activity of the participants of NIS of physics and mathematics Taraz, NIS of chemical and biological […]

Workshop for teachers of leading secondary schools of Zhambyl region in the framework of updating the content of education

  November 8, 2018 according to the action plan of the educational and methodical Cabinet of the Department of education of akimat of Zhambyl region and Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz on the basis of the Intellectual school of Taraz held a workshop for teachers of 6, 7, 8 classes of secondary schools on the […]

“Music for peace and development”

UNESCO cluster Office in Almaty in cooperation with Akimat of Almaty held a competition “Music for peace and development”. The competition was organized in the framework of the youth creative festival “ALMATY – YOUTH SPACE”. Since Almaty is the musical city of the UNESCO creative cities network, the main objective of this project was to […]

Intellectual school of Taraz has passed CIS accreditation

The working day of Tuesday in Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz ended with joyful news. School principal Talgat Bainazarov received a letter from the Council of International Schools (CIS) about the successful accreditation. In 2015, the school received the status of a member of the Council of International Schools. From September 29 to October 5, […]

Republican scientific-methodical conference “Kazakhstan school in the conditions of the updated content of education”.

In Taraz state pedagogical university was held the Republican scientific-methodical conference on “Kazakhstan school in the conditions of the updated content of education”. The purpose of the Republican scientific-methodical conference – discussion and analysis of problems in priority areas of education, exchange of experience, establishment of scientific relations and contacts between domestic researchers and methodologists. […]

Translation of NIS experience on educational work

The Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz held a training seminar on the translation of experience in educational work. The event was held on November 2, 2018 and gathered about 110 deputy principals for educational work of city and district secondary schools. The purpose of the seminar is to create an information space for the implementation […]

«Молодежь – будущее Казахстана»

1 ноября в рамках проекта «Умный четверг» учащиеся Таразской Интеллектуальной школы встретились с председателем молодежного крыла «Жас Отан» при Жамбылском областном филиале партии «Нур Отан» Болатбеком Уалихан. Встреча «Молодежь – будущее Казахстана» состоялась с целью поддержки молодежи и пропаганды их деятельности в связи с  объявлением следующего года главой государства Годом молодежи. В мероприятия участники встречи […]

Meeting with young entrepreneurs

On November 2, teachers-librarians of Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz organized the event “Youth-the most important resource of modern society”. As guests were invited the young entrepreneurs of Taraz city, the Director of the theater “Astana park” Olzhas Kuandykov and the founder of the cafe “Mezun” and delicious rice “Izyum”,  restaurator and polyglot Alikhan Aitbaev. […]

The Republican contest for the best essay among school pupils “The future is in your hands: invent and create»

  From September 4 to October 10, 2018, the Ministry of justice, the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and RSE “National Institute of Intellectual Property” held Republican competitions: competition “N. Nazarbayev Fund Schools Challenge»; online contest of inventors “Shapagat»; online contest among students for the best essay “The Future is […]

Young delegation from Taraz visited Kostanay region

From 21 to 25 October 2018 Shanyrak ” Atameken” of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz took part in the research expedition “Tugan elge tagzym”. Within the framework of the project, the expedition group of 12 delegates selected for educational, creative, sports and scientific achievements went to explore the city of Kostanay and the attractions of […]

Results of the network stage Republican competition of scientific projects

From October 21 to 23, 2018, the network stage of the Republican contest of scientific projects in general education subjects took place at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Almaty. Young researchers of the school presented 7 projects in 6 sections: engineering, computer science, chemistry, environmental protection, history, and local history. According […]

“Next Generation Schools”: reboot begins in Astana

X international scientific and practical conference “Next Generation Schools” dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Autonomous organization of education “Nazarbayev Intellectual schools” was held in the capital. A record number of delegates took part in one of the main educational forums of the country – about 2,000 participants from more than 20 countries. Kazakhstan […]


Last weekend, according to the calendar plan of activities of the Scientific and practical center of physical culture of the Department of education of Zhambyl region, XII Regional sports festival was held among the pupils of specialized boarding schools of the region. Competitions were held on the basis of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and […]

Roundtable “Effective ways to improve education quality”

  On October 25, 2018, a roundtable was organized by the “Department of Education Quality Management ” of the Educational Methodological Cabinet of the Education Department of the Akimat of Zhambyl Region. The roundtable “Effective ways to improve the quality of education” was attended by methodologists of district and city education departments, school principals and […]

On the example of the NIS Taraz library

In order to spread the accumulated experience of the Autonomous organization of education “Nazarbayev Intellectual schools” in educational institutions on October 23, 2018 on the basis of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz held a seminar “Active methods in the development of reading culture of students of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools.” The event was attended by […]

Jubilee Spartakiad

In honor of the 5th anniversary of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz on October 20-21 on the basis of the school held the Republican Spartakiad. 14 teams of employees of Intellectual schools of the regions of the Republic, who competed in 7 sports, took part in the Spartakiad. In the sports competition, participants competed […]

Seminar for principals and deputy principals of secondary schools in Zhambyl region as part of experience translation

On October 19, 2018, the Department of Education of the Akimat of the Zhambyl Region, the Center for Teaching Excellence in Taraz and the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Taraz organized a seminar for principals and deputy principals of secondary schools. The purpose of the event was the exchange of experience, ideas, […]

The inauguration of the school president

The Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz held the inauguration of the president of the school self-government. During the month, candidates for the post of president of the school conducted election programs, proposed new ideas and projects. Election of the president of the school was carried out on the basis of the principles of electoral law, […]

Visit of colleagues from Kostobe school

On October 10, 2018, with the aim of experience exchange the principal and teachers of Kostobe village school of the Baizak district visited the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz. During the visit, the teachers attended classes in Kazakh, Russian, English languages, mathematics and history. The teachers of the rural school got acquainted with the work […]

“I bow to you, dear teachers!”

Instead of the usual school day on October 9, the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz held a day of self-government, dedicated to the professional holiday of educators – Teacher’s Day. On this day, high school students had the opportunity to be in the role of teacher and understand the features of this difficult, but an […]

On the participation of the «NIS-3» volleyball team in the “School League”

On October 2018, the «NIS-3» team of Taraz Intellectual School took part in the “School League” in volleyball among girls born in 2005–2006. The traditional regional volleyball competition was held at the base of secondary school No. 12 among 9 teams of the city. The purpose of the event was to promote volleyball among students, […]

Intellectual game “IQ-game”

In the framework of the 5th anniversary of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz, the teachers-curators D.T. Makhanov and Kulumbetova E.A. organized and conducted the intellectual game “IQ-game”. 4 teams from pupils of gymnasium No. 45, pupils of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz, parents and local teachers took part in the competition. The goal […]

TEDx conference took place

On October 1, 2018, the TEDx conference entitled “I love what I do and do what I love” was held at the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. Students of the school and invited guests represented by Burkitbayeva Zhanar Kasymbaevna – an individual entrepreneur, and Orazmetov Yernar Zhikibayevich – the chef of the teahouse “Kish-Mish” in […]

Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz is 5 years

From September 24 to September 29, 2018, Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Taraz celebrated its 5th anniversary. During the week, teachers, students and their parents conducted intellectual, cognitive and sports activities at the school. The jubilee week ended with a concert program “Bes zhyldyn belesinde” (“On the threshold of the 5th anniversary”) […]

Celebrated the International Student Sport Day

According to the calendar of the National Federation of UNESCO Clubs September 20 is the International Student Sports Day. In this regard, the Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz has organized presidential all-around among students of grades 7-12 of the school. Presidential all-around was held with the aim of strengthening friendly relations among students, propaganda of […]

Welcome to the ranks of NIS students

September 7, 2018, in Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz, hosted a solemn event – the dedication of 7-graders in the ranks of NIS students. In the 2018-2019 school year, the student community of the Intellectual school of Taraz was enriched with 138 students. At the official part of the event, young intellectuals swore to bear […]

Brilliant score on SAT

The new school year in the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz began with good news. Yermakhan Magzym, who passed the SAT subject test in mathematics and physics in summer, received the highest result – 800 points. – I passed the SAT test to check my knowledge of physics and mathematics. I have not decided yet […]

1 September is the day of knowledge

September 1 in Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz was held a solemn event dedicated to the beginning of the 2018-2019 academic year. The event was held on the topic “Bolashakka bagdar – ruhani zhangyru”. This topic was devoted to musical numbers, congratulations to students, teachers and parents. On the Day of knowledge, Kokhaeva, the principal […]

August conference on the updated content of education for 3, 6, 8 grade teachers of secondary schools in Zhambyl region

August 27, 2018 within the framework of the Republican August teachers’ conference of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Human Capital in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” on the basis of the multidisciplinary gymnasium No. 41 named after A.Pushkin and Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz held regional sectional meetings on the updated content of education […]

School Graduation Ceremony 2018

At the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Taraz on June 16, 2018, took place School Graduation Ceremony 2018. The congratulatory speech were made by the director of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools E.Kokhaeva and director of Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz T.Bainazarov. In turn, they stressed the achievements […]

Art exhibition of the “Art” department

In order to facilitate the implementation of the curriculum for the updated standard of teaching “Fine Arts” and “Artistic Work” in general schools of Zhambyl region from June 5 to 9, 2018, the art department of  Nazarbayev Intellectual school inTaraz organized an art exhibition. In the regional exhibition gallery were performed students’design works done under […]

The students of the school visited the “Mother’s House” to the International Children’s Day

In connection with the International Children’s Day – June 1, Republican actions “Nur Otan” for children” and “Family day” are planned in the regions of the country. In order to support these actions, students and teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz visited the public fund “Mother’s House”. At the moment, it has more than […]

Student Projects Festival “STEAM NIS Taraz-2018”

At the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz on May 28, 2018 was held the Student Projects Festival “STEAM NIS Taraz-2018”, in which more than 60 pupils of the school took part, with the protection of 48 design works. Within the framework of the festival there were 9 subject sections, and were presented the best projects […]

Republican social action “Let’s support rural school!”

The head of state in his article “Looking into the Future: Modernizing the Public Consciousness” puts the implementation of the “Tuganan Zher” project on the agenda for the coming years, noting that a special attitude towards the native land, its development and prosperity is the most important feature of patriotism. This is in tune with […]

Victory in the French competition of scientific projects

School achievements box replenished with another prize-winning place. On April 25 was held the International Distance Competition of Children’s Projects “The big progress”, organized by the French academy of science, culture and creativity “Euro Media Star Group”. 10th grader of school Aizharyk Moldir became a laureate of the II degree, defending her environmental project “Wastewater […]

The conference “Teacher-Researcher 2018”

On May 26, 2018, was held the “Teacher-Researcher” conference at the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Taraz. The conference was inaugurated by Nazipa Ayubayeva, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools, who wished the participants fruitful work and new discoveries. The teacher of English Yelzira Bizhigitova presented information on the […]

The last bell of NIS Taraz!

May 25, 2018 in the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz held a ceremonial event “Call, the last bell!”, dedicated to the end of 2017-2018 academic year, celebrating the 10th anniversary of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools and the 20th anniversary of the city Astana. The congratulatory speech was addressed to the audience by the Deputy Chairman of […]

Congratulations to our winners!

Good results were shown by the students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz, winning prizes in the distance competition of scientific articles and projects organized by the Republican Scientific and Educational Center “Bilim – Obrazovanie – Education”. The contest is aimed at implementing the program of modernization of public consciousness “Rukhani jangyru” and stimulating the […]

Winners of the international distance contest “Constanta”

In recent years, students attending an elective course in geography have shown good results in olympiads and contests of various levels. Recently, pupils of grades 7-10 became holders of the I, II command posts of the international intellectual contest “Constanta”, and the team “Kone Taraz” won the Grand Prix. Teams winners: The main prize is […]

The school team got a chance to take part in the global semi-final of “Technovation challenge-2018”

On May 20, in Almaty took place the regional stage of the International IT-contest “Technovation challenge-2018”. 32 teams of the senior category (from 14 to 18 years old) from the cities of Almaty, Taraz, Aktau and Shymkent took part in the presentation of mobile applications. The city Taraz was represented by 3 teams of Nazarbayev […]

Was held a military-sports competition

To the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory and the 26th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held a military sports competition among boarding schools in the Zhambyl region. The competition is organized under the leadership of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Taraz. The aim of the […]

Workshop for secondary school teachers of the village B.Momyshuly, Zhualynskyi district

In order to provide methodological support within the framework of the updated content of education, on May 11, 2018, a workshop was held on the basis of the school-gymnasium No. 1 named after G. Ordzhonikidze, the village of B.Momyshuly, Zhualynskyi district, in which took part 107 teachers. During the event, the teachers of the Taraz […]

Family competition “Batyrlar urpagy”

In Nazarbayev Intellectual school of the physical and mathematical direction of Taraz was organized a family contest, dedicated to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland and Victory Day. 27 teams from students, their fathers, grandfathers and brothers competed in a sports flash mob, military-patriotic relay race, bike ride and intellectual-psychological training. The guests […]

Results of the All-Russian Olympiad of research projects

9th grade student of the Taraz Intellectual school Elaman Sultan took the second place in the XIX All-Russian Olympiad of children and youth research projects on environmental issues “Human-Earth-Cosmos” (“Sozvezdie”) in the nomination “Space laboratory”. The Sultan developed and assembled a model of a symmetric missile carrier design with two reusable re-launch vehicles for maximum […]

British Olympiad in Physics

Students of grade 11 of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz won 4 gold and 1 silver in the British Distance Olympiad in Physics, organized by the Department of Physics, Oxford University. The Olympiad in Physics is held annually, bringing together over 1,600 talented young physicists at the same time, and is aimed at identifying […]

Qualifying robotics competition

On the basis of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz on April 28, 2018 was organized qualifying robotics competition among pupils of schools. Selection of young robotics was carried out within the framework of WRO-2018 rules (World Robot Olimpiyad). According to the organizers, 40 teams submitted applications for participation, two times more compared to the analogical […]

International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists

Students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz under the guidance of teachers took part in the international scientific conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren “XVIII Satpaev Readings”. Within the framework of the conference section sessions were held, actual problems of various branches of modern science were considered. Following the results of the event, […]

“The book conquers the world!”

The rapid development of digital technology has contributed to the spread of electronic books that have their shortcomings. Reading them, the book-lover can not feel the smell of freshly printed paper, the rustling of leaflets. Paper editions have a special energy, creates a pleasant impression and a real aesthetic pleasure when it gets to the […]

Again victory!

From 8 to 13 April in Moscow was the final of the International Competition of Youth Research named. V.I Vernadskiy, in which, under the guidance of the teacher-expert of biology, Aksenova I.V. 8 students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz took part. The works were presented in five sections: “Earth sciences”, “Water sciences”, “Agrobiology, […]

Bronze at Infomatrix-Asia 2018

The bronze medal was won by 11th grade pupil of the Intellectual school of Taraz Erzhanova Adel at Infomatrix-Asia 2018. Adel presented to the jury her own project “Our Earth” in the category of computer graphics and art. The project shows the evolution of the planet Earth and the role of people in its stages […]

Results of the Literary Quiz

More than 150 students took part in the International Literary Quiz for the World Writer’s Day. During the quiz the participants answered questions on classical Russian and foreign works, solved tasks on biographies of writers. 5 students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz took part in the educational event. As a result of the […]

Victory in the storytelling competition

11th grade student of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Taraz Kairatkyzy Nazym became the winner of the short stories contest, which was attended by more than 200 schoolchildren from all over Kazakhstan. The contest of stories was organized by the French school Charles de Gaulle – Miras and is designed to promote […]

Celebrated Nauryz

The holiday of Nauryz, celebrated throughout the whole spring, was celebrated in the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. On a festive day, a yurt was built in the courtyard of the educational institution and a concert program was organized. Various theatrical productions were demonstrated aimed at promoting national customs and traditions, followed by sports games, […]

Project “Under one shanyrak”

In Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz with the purpose of strengthening of interethnic relations started its work the project “Under one shanyrak”. In the framework of this project, socially significant events are implemented that promote the development of national culture, the formation of Kazakhstan’s patriotism, and  the strengthening of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional accord among representatives […]

One more victory in the school achievements bank

A pile of achievements of the school was replenished with yet another victory. In March of this year, the IV republican contest “The Best Scientific Project” “Ozyk otyzdykka- ozat bilimmen” was launched, the winners of which were announced on April 12, 2018. Project work on Kazakh literature of Aizharyk Moldir took part in the final […]

Successes of young chemists

I International competition “Chemist-researcher” for the best scientific project on chemistry among students of secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums was held April 7-8 in Astana. The students of our school presented 2 design works, which were awarded diplomas of I and III degrees. The project work of Khalmukhamedova Yulduz and Keneshbekova Aruzhan, the 10th grade […]

Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools’ Educational Programme Gains Worldwide Recognition

Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools’ educational programme has been recognized as comparable with the international qualification, the General Certificate of Education A-Level (GCE A-Level). An authoritative British organisation, the United Kingdom National Recognition Information Centre has recognized the programme of Intellectual schools as corresponding to GCE A-Level. The educational program GCE A-Level is recognized by all top […]

Discovering the world of science

From 4 to 8 April, on the eve of the Cosmonautics Day, the XIV International Scientific Space Exploration Competition “Discovering the World of Science” was held in Baikonur, in which took part 3 students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz. Students of the 9th grade Basybek Meirzhan and Kosherbay Dias at the competitions presented […]

Competition on robotics and mechatronics

City competition on robotics and mechatronics was organized in Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati. More than 45 pupils and students from secondary, secondary and higher educational institutions of the city took part in the competition. 6 projects were presented by students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. Diploma of the II degree was […]

Оnce again among winners

Recently in Zhambyl oblast was held a competition to assemble robots among school students and college students. In the competition called the Jameco Robotics Challenge, 30 teams from all districts took part. From the Intellectual school of Taraz, 7 teams competed, 5 of which won the I, II and III places. The robots of our […]

Seminars for teachers of pilot and secondary schools

On April 7, on the basis of our school, were held practical seminars in the framework of the translation of experience. According to the program of the  regional seminar for pilot and partner schools “Planning a lesson in the framework of the updated content of education” teachers conducted master classes, trainings, round tables, in which […]

April 7 – World Health Day

On April 7, on the day of World Health, various sports events were organized by the teachers of physical culture in order to form a healthy lifestyle. Students of the school competed in such sports as mini-football, arkan tartu, basketball and volleyball. – Creating a positive attitude and an enabling environment for teaching and educating […]

Nauryz meetings came to an end

The VIII Nauryz meetings on the theme “City of the future: the architecture of the capital” were completed in Astana, which became one of the largest scientific sites for schoolchildren. A traditional scientific event attracted more than 200 students from Nazarbayev Intellectual schools, as well as their peers from the country’s comprehensive schools. The participants […]

Sayasat Nurbek visited Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz

А well-known political scientist, lawyer, master of geopolitics and international security Sayasat Nurbek visited Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. During the meeting with the students and school staff, the guest of honor spoke about the great opportunities that are open for Kazakhstanis, about the values of the Kazakh society and the trends of their development […]

March 8 – the first spring holiday

Every year on March 8, the whole world celebrates International Women’s Day, which is on the calendar of the United Nations (UN). The tradition to celebrate March 8 was preserved in a number of countries of the former USSR, including in Kazakhstan. In many organizations of the country are held festive events dedicated to women. […]

A training seminar for the conciliation commission members

March 5, 2018 members of the conciliation commission of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz took part in a training seminar on the topic “Resolving individual labor disputes in Kazakhstan. The conciliation commission in the organization and the order of its work”. The Conciliation commission is a permanent, pre-judicial primary body for reviewing individual labor […]

Open doors day “Zhatakhana life”

On February 28, 2018, open doors day of the boarding school “Zhatakhana life” was organized jointly with the regional  education department. To participate in the event were invited parents of our boarding school students, representatives of orphanages, boarding schools, specialized centers for children and adolescents of the city and region. Within the framework of the […]

Results of the 1st Republican pedagogical readings

Taraz state pedagogical university on February 27-28, 2018 held the first Republican pedagogical readings on the theme: “New development opportunities in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution: modern educational innovations and technologies”. The following teachers from Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz participated in the readings: Adenov Gani – pedagogue-organizer of the CWP, Imanbekova Aizhan […]

Teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual school shared their experience with local teaching staff

In accordance with the instruction of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the autonomous organization of education “Nazarbayev Intellectual schools” implements courses on teaching English language to 3599 teachers of the country’s general schools. Courses with a duration of 10 months are conducted by the regional Centers of pedagogical excellence. […]

Quest game “100 books”

Recently school self-management and teachers-librarians organized a quest game called “100 books”. During the game, the guys performed tasks on the subjects of different literary works located in different locations. Quest-game was conducted with the purpose of increasing interest in the project “100 books”. In addition, this kind of games contribute to the development of […]

Results of the Republican competition of scientific projects

In the republican competition of scientific projects (CSP) in general subjects, Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz schoolchildren got 2 silver and 2 bronze medals. In total 8 works took part in the competition, which became prizewinners of the network (regional) stage of the CSP among Nazarbayev Intellectual schools. According to the results of the competition, […]

Visit of foreign teachers to district schools

Within the framework of the partnership between the two schools on February 19, foreign teachers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz visited the school-gymnasium of Sarykemer in Baizak region. The purpose of the meeting “Education is the key to knowledge of the world” was the development of students’ information skills in English. According to […]

School award “NIS Oscar”: the best film of the school was “The Notes of Life”

In Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz was awarded the prize for the best film. In total 10 nominations were presented: “Best short film”, “Best director”, “Best supporting actor”, “Best actress”, “Best supporting actress”, “Best original screenplay”, “Best cinematography” , “Best song”, “Best installation”. For the main award, the title of the best film was fought […]

Among the best

Team of Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz took 2nd place in the tournament in Shymkent. On February 5, Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Shymkent hosted a sports competition for the school principal’s cup, timed to the 5th anniversary of the organization. 7 teams took part in the competitions: the teams of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools in Taraz, […]

Regional volleyball tournament among schoolchildren

On February 3, a regional volleyball tournament was held, organized by physical education teachers of the school. The tournament, which united students of city and district schools, was timed to coincide with the retirement of Tolendi Danyshpanuly Agadilov, a respected teacher of physical culture at the school. The teacher with 40 years of experience in […]

Regional workshop «New methods and approaches in teaching subjects»

Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics in Taraz jointly with the Administration of education of of Zhambyl region akimat organized a workshop. The event, held on February 3, 2018, covered 300 teachers of the regional comprehensive schools. The purpose of the regional workshop «New methods and approaches in teaching subjects» was the development of […]

Seminar-workshop in the framework of the experience translation

On January 24, 2018, within the framework of the experience translation was held a workshop, in which 68 teachers of 5,7 grades of schools No. 25, No. 41 of the city Taraz and the school named after G.Ordzhonikidze of Zhualy district, and school-lyceum No. 1 of Kulan village of T. Ryskul district and school of […]

A meeting with a famous kazakh football player Bauyrzhan Islamkhan

In the article “Prospection: modernization of public consciousness” the head of state calls on citizens to contribute to the development of the country and create a new multimedia platform for acquaintance with their success stories. In support of the project “100 new names of Kazakhstan” on January 19, 2018 in the school library held a […]

“In the world of 100 books”

“People stop thinking when they stop reading,” the words spoken by the French thinker Dani Diderot many years ago remain relevant today. The entire educational process in the school is carried out through a book. Within the framework of the initiative of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools, the project “100 books recommended for reading to the students […]

Successfully performed at the Festival of Mathematicians

From January 4 to 6, on the basis of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Almaty, the 1st Festival of Mathematics Teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools was held. From Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Taraz took part 5 teachers of mathematicians, among whom Sh.Ualikhanuly was awarded a diploma of […]

Results of the NIS network olympiad

About 600 students took part in the Nazarbayev Intellectual schools network olympiad. The third stage of the Olympiad was held in the subjects of the natural-mathematical and social-humanitarian cycle simultaneously in the cities of Astana and Almaty. As a result of the network Olympiad, 5 students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz – Shalbayev […]

Teambuilding was organized for teachers

Teambuilding is a modern way of forming a cohesive team, in which each member of the team finds its place and is able to maximize its talents. All kinds of team building create conditions for free informal communication, help to strengthen corporate ties and teach to work in a team. To this end, on January […]

Open Day in the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of the city of Taraz

On January 8, the Day of Open Doors was organized in Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz. Students of 6 classes of comprehensive schools of the city of Taraz and Zhambyl region were invited to this event. Guests of the school were greeted by teachers and escorted to study rooms, where stations with the names of […]

A methodical day was held at the school

On January 4, a methodical day was held at the school. It was opened with a speech of V. Musarova, deputy principal for scientific and methodical work. In her presentation, she presented a conceptual learning, which addressed issues of the impact of social change on education, the necessary key skills for lifelong learning. Also, the […]

Deputies of the Mazhilis of Parliament visited Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz

Within the framework of the deputies visit of the Mazhilis of Parliament of Republic Kazakhstan to the regions, on January 3, 2018, deputy Tleukhan Bekbolat Kanayuly and deputy Yerzhan Kudaibergen Tolepuly visited several facilities in Taraz, including Nazarbayev Intellectual school. During the visit, the deputies got acquainted with the structure of the school, the material […]

Held a meeting of school graduates

On January 3, 2018, the school hosted a meeting of graduates, attended by more than 50 graduates of the school 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years. The welcoming speech was delivered by the deputy directors of the school A.T. Koyshygarayeva and E.K. Akshabayev. According to the program of the event, the participants of the meeting held […]

Idea fair and seminar on сriteria based assessment

In the framework of horizontal planning, an idea fair was held at the school on December 27, where teachers shared their experience in implementing data on horizontal planning in practice. And also the seminar “Critical assessment in practice” was held, where the teachers discussed the situations arising in the implementation of the formative and summative […]

Vacation school has come to its end

From December 25 to December 28, 2017, 92 sixth-graders from the schools of the city Taraz and Zhambyl oblast were trained at the Vacation school on the basis of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. Classes at the Vacation school were conducted according to the program of the Center for Talented Youth of Johns Hopkins […]

Trainings for the parents

Bringing up a child is a complex pedagogical process that requires the interaction of the family, school and society. The trainings, organized by the psychology teachers of the Taraz Intellectual school, are aimed specifically at strengthening the relationship between parents and children. During the training, parents got acquainted with the methods of supporting the child, […]

Fought for the NIS Cup

One of the events organized in honor of Independence Day in the Intellectual School of Taraz was the regional volleyball tournament for girls. In the tournament, students of the schools of Taraz and Zhambyl region fought for the Nazarbayev Intellectual school Cup. In particular, teams of girls from the schools of Zhualy, Sarysu, Zhambyl districts, […]

“Family – School – Country”

On December 14, the branch of JSC “NCE “Orleu” Institute for the improvement of professional skills of teachers in the Zhambyl region held a Republican on-line round table. “Problems of the formation of the self-awareness of the individual in the context of the indissoluble connection “Family – School – Country” under this name passed an […]

Marked the 26th anniversary of the country’s independence

This year the sovereignty of Kazakhstan is 26 years old. A festive day is celebrated in all organizations and institutions. “Tauelsizdik – yerkindik, yezhelden yel tilegi” under this name was the event organized in Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. The students and teachers of the school pleased the audience with patriotic songs and expressive dances. […]

Intellectual game “IQ-game”

In early December, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz hosted the already-traditional and intellectual game “IQ-game”. The students of Taraz Intellectual school, the boarding school “Daryn”, school-gymnasium №5 and school-gymnasium №45 took part in the game. Intellectual competition was held at a high level. The participants of the game were busy with interesting tasks, which expand […]

Conference Ted’x was held in the NIS of Taraz

December 4, 2017 in the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz held a regular conference Tedx. Speakers acted according to the criteria for the speech, established by the school organizers of the conference. The criteria included such points as the correspondence of the speaker’s speech to the content of the topic, the provision by the speakers […]

Took 3rd place in volleyball

Team of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz took 3rd place in volleyball among girls. There was a city tournament for the cup of the CEA (Center for extracurricular activities and children’s creativity), in which 20 teams from urban schools participated. Competitions were held on the basis of the “Center for extracurricular activities and children’s creativity.” […]

Held the regional youth forum

On the day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – on December 1, was organized the regional youth forum “Young leaders – the hope of Kazakhstan”. The forum was organized by the Department for Youth Policy of the Akimat of Zhambyl Oblast on the basis of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz. […]

“Sherkhan Murtaza okulary” competition

The student of Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Taraz won the 3rd place at the “Sherkhan okulary” competition defending the scientific project “Sherkhan Murtaza‘s heritage. The regional contest “II Sherkhan Murtaza okulary” was organized by the Research Center of the Taraz Innovation – humanitarian University “Sherkhantanu” in order to implement the program of Elbasy N.Nazarbayev “A […]

Group of dombrists organized a flash mob.

Group of dombrists from Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz organized a flash mob. Flashmob was held with the participation of teachers and students of the school in the trading hall “Small”. In the performance of the creative group the works of Kurmangazy “Balbyrauyn”, “Saryarka”, N. Tlendiev’s “Alkissa”, A. Zheldibev’s “Erke sylkym” were performed. The event […]

Master class on the theme “A look into the future of the Kazakh education”

Students and teachers of Intellectual school in Taraz held a master class on the theme “A look into the future of the Kazakh education”. The master class was held in order to implement the “Ziyatker Urpak” project of the National Movement “Kazakhstan 2050” and was held at the secondary school No. 28 named after A.Maldagulova. […]

Congratulate you on the day of the first president!

Dear visitors of the site, we congratulate you on the day of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan! The head of state is the guarantor of the unity of the people and state power, the Constitution, human rights and freedoms. Thanks to the strategic talent, constructive policy and wisdom of our president, Kazakhstan […]

“We are shaping the future today!”

On November 24 of this year, there was a competition-exhibition of scientific/innovative projects of the youth of Zhambyl region “We are shaping the future today!” And the competition of young scientists “Zhas-galym-2017”. The competition was organized on the initiative of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of the Zhambyl region. It was attended by beginners and current […]

The course “School Mediation” has come to the end

Today in the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz was completed a course “School Mediation: Resolving Crisis Relations and Conflicts Among Students”. The course was organized by the Department of Human Resources Management, which was attended by 25 teachers of the Intellectual School of Taraz. The trainers of the professional improvement course for pedagogical workers were […]

12 graders started to pass an IELTS

Yesterday, students of the 12th grades of the Intellectual School of Taraz started the oral part of the IELTS international exam. It will last until November 28. Total number of students taking the exam 158. 21 of them passed the first stage. Written part of the exam is scheduled for November 25 this year. Since […]

By the method “Waka”

Recently, in the library of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz, took place an event within the framework of the projects “Kazakh songs” and “100 books recommended for reading to students of Intellectual schools.” 8 grade students analyzed the lines from the poetic work with the help of the Japanese method “Waka”. The aim of the […]

Traditional meeting took place

On November 17, in Taraz Nazarbayev Intellectual school took place a traditional meeting of graduating students with a representative of Nazarbayev University. During the meeting, an interesting presentation was made about the directions of training and requirements for admission. Students of 12 grades received detailed information about the deadlines for submitting documents and the format […]

«Kazakh Arlany – 2017»

Young men of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz  fought in the military sports competition «Kazakh Arlany – 2017», dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The competition was organized with the purpose of forming the skills of the initial military training, instilling a sense of patriotism, attracting schoolchildren to employment in military-applied […]

Visit of SDU representatives

On November 15, 2017, representatives of the Suleyman Demirel University (SDU) visited the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz. The purpose of the visit is to provide detailed information for 12th grade students about bachelor’s programs. During the meeting, potential applicants could learn everything about admission and education. The University named after Suleiman Demirel is a […]

“From heart to heart”

The purpose of the knitting circle “From heart to heart” is the development of creative abilities of schoolchildren through crafts, the spiritual and moral education of students taking into account the social situation in society. Opening the circle the teacher of the subject “Self-knowledge” Ainash Aytenova pursued these goals. The project is aimed at realizing […]

About volunteer work

Students of Taraz State University named after M.H. Dulati (TarSU), also members of the “Dream Team” group, created from ambassadorial volunteers met with the students of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics of Taraz. The purpose of the meeting was to share the significance of their volunteer work at the university and beyond. They […]

Implementing international experience

Teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics of Taraz became volunteers of HertsCam – professional community of teachers. The community was founded 20 years ago in the UK. The community program is aimed at developing leadership skills among teachers in teaching and implemented in more than 1000 schools in 17 countries. Under the […]

Байзақ және Меркі аудандарының мектеп мұғалімдері үшін семинарлар

Seminars as a part of the experience translation

November 4, 10, 2017, as part of the translation of experience in pilot schools, seminars were held, in which 62 teachers of grades 5.7 of the school-lyceum No. 1 from the village of Kulan and mg No. 41g of Taraz took part. Visiting lessons in grades 5 and 7 showed that teachers have difficulty in: […]

Our success in the International Olympiad

From October 29 to November 5, 2017, the 9th International Olympiad for schoolchildren and college students was held in the Turkish city of Antalya. Temirtayeva Malika a student of 8th grade of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz became the owner of a silver medal at the International English Olympiad among 8th graders. Malika was preparing […]

Workshops were organized for secondary schools

On the initiative of the education departments of the akimats of the Baizak and Merke districts, workshops on the system of criterial evaluation were organized with the participation of 15 teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Taraz. Seminars were held on the basis of the secondary school N.K.Kiikbaev, secondary school Sarykemer in the village of […]

Встреча с представителями Комитета национальной безопасности

In order to clarify the procedure for admission to the Academy of the Border Guard Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of this institution met with the high school students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz. During the meeting the students got acquainted with the conditions and the […]

“Best team”

November 1-2, 2017 in Almaty was the V International Creative Competition of Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, which was organized by the Kazakhstan Association of Mathematics Teachers with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Representatives of schools in Russia and Kazakhstan took part in the competition. […]

The “Reading Leader” competition

In Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools the project “100 books recommended for reading to students of Intellectual schools is realized. The aim of the project is to instill a love for books, reading through a variety of activities. The list of 100 books recommended for reading Nazarbayev Intellectual School students included 60 famous works of Kazakh classics […]

“Life is given for good deeds”

Helping poor families in a difficult life situation for them becomes an urgent topic of modern society. In order to implement such measures, various public funds are being created. One of them is the public foundation in the Zhambyl region “Orken-Niet.” This fund implements several projects within the region. Such projects as “Aқ dastarkhan”, “Zhanuya […]

Teambuilding “Strengths of our MA”

On October 27 Teacher-psychologists of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz organized a team building for a pedagogical collective on the theme “Strengths of our MA”. The goal of teambuilding was the prevention of emotional burnout of teachers, the creation of a favorable psychological climate at the Methodological Association. According to the team building program, methodological […]

Nazarbayev University Master programs

Today the representative of Nazarbayev University visited Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz  with the purpose of acquaintance with the Master programs. Potential applicants could learn from the first mouth all about admission and training. “Our university has a foundation master’s program aimed at improving the quality of language training for potential students and developing research, […]

«A sound mind in a sound body»

October 21, 22 “The Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture” of the Administration of Education of the Akimat of Zhambyl Oblast organized the XI Regional Olympics among pupils of institutions subordinate to the management of education, boarding schools, orphanages. The goal of the Games was propaganda of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents, the development […]

Values, Welfare and Innovations for the Future of Education

On October 26-27, the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools “Values, Welfare and Innovations for the Future of Education” is taking place at the Congress Center of EXPO in Astana. More than a thousand scientists and teachers from Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Great Britain, USA, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland and other countries became […]

The fight for the title of the best chess player of NIS

The tournament on chess among students of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools was held on the basis of the Intellectual School of the chemical-biological direction of Karaganda on October 13, 14 this year. The tournament is held annually on the initiative of the Autonomous Educational Organization “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”. The purpose of the tournament is the promotion […]

Sun clocks with own hands

The territory of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz is now decoretad with sun clocks – the oldest mechanism for determining the time with help of the Sun. The idea of creating a such device was offered by the teachers of physics and art. – The principle of operation of the sun clocks is based […]

Respect to the elderly generation

On October 11, 2017, within the framework of the social project “Shyn zhurekten”, students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz visited the Public government institution “Center for Special Social Services No. 1” with the concert program “Karttaryn ayalagan yel ardakty”. The purpose of the event was to form students’ civil and patriotic qualities, moral […]

Inauguration of the school self-government president

October 10 this year in Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz held an inauguration ceremony of school self-government president. According to the voting results, the current president of school self-government Kasym Ermakhan scored the highest number of votes among all candidates. Solemn meeting began with the speech of the school ex-president Shagdarov Amandyk. In his turn, […]

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees

October 9 of the current year the fourth meeting of the Board of Trustees (hereinafter – the BT) was held in Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz (hereinafter – NIS Taraz), which included: deputy akim of the Zhambyl region Manzhuov E.N. – Chairman of the BT; Head of Education Department of Zhambyl Oblast Akimat Turmkhanbetova R.S.; […]

Regional Workshop

On October 7, 2017, as part of the translation of experience in secondary schools, Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics of Taraz, together with the educational and methodical study room of the administration of education of the Akimat of Zhambyl oblast, organized a regional workshop on “Effective methods of applying the system of criterial […]

Travel inside the city

October 7 this year for students of the 7th grade of the Intellectual School of Taraz was organized a small excursion to the sights of the Taraz city in order to increase the cognitive interest in the history of the native land, the formation of patriotic feelings and love for the city. During the trip, […]

Travel inside the city

October 7 this year for students of the 7th grade of the Intellectual School of Taraz was organized a small excursion to the sights of the Taraz city in order to increase the cognitive interest in the history of the native land, the formation of patriotic feelings and love for the city. During the trip, […]

TED’x conference was held in NIS Taraz

On October 6, the first “TEDx NIS Taraz” conference for this academic year was held at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz. As we know, TED’x is a project dedicated to “Ideas Worth Spreading”. The list of topics considered within the framework of TED’x events is very broad: it is science, business, art, and education. […]

Great result on SAT Subject Test

Student of the 12th grade of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics of Taraz Moldiyar Yelnur showed a great result in the international exam SAT Subject Test, scoring 800 points out of possible 800 points in mathematics and physics. SAT Subject Test is a standardized American test. The results of the exam are a […]

Сompetition “The best teacher of 2017”


Seminar: “Using online educational resources of Twig-bilim and Bilimland portals»

October 2, 2017 in the library of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz held a seminar for newly arrived teachers and curators. The theme of the seminar: “Using the online educational resources of the Twig-bilim and Bilimland portals”. The event was organized by teacher-librarians of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz. Within the framework of the seminar, […]

Concert program dedicated for the professional teachers holiday

The Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz held a concert program for the teachers day, organized by the pupils of 12 grades and their curators. The concert was held on September 29, 2017. According to the program, congratulations began in the early morning. The pupils and their parents met the teachers at the school entrance with […]

Meeting of the school parents’ committee

September 23, 2017 in the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz was held a general school parents’ meeting. The following issues were on the agenda: 1. Information on the work of parents’ committees in NIS at the August conference in Astana. 1. Results of the school’s academic work for 2016-2017. 2. Election of the chairman of […]

Monitoring students’ learning achievements

Nazarbayev Intellectual schools monitor the learning achievements of students in all grades through a monitoring system, that enables teachers to obtain diagnostic information about students’ learning achievements. The next monitoring of students’ learning achievements of Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Taraz was held from September 11 to 23, 2017. Monitoring was conducted in Mathematics, Kazakh as […]

NIS Komek Taraz

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