Taking into account that our country’s future–ensuring spiritual development of our future youth – is laid within the walls of the school along with labor, moral, aesthetic, environmental education and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills is of great importance.


Necessity of morning exercises in dormitory, walks in the fresh air, various sporting competitions, healthy eating and establishment of proper nutrition led to indispensable creation of extracurricular activity within the walls of dormitory called “SMAK”.

Consuming only healthy food and developing a healthy lifestyle had become an issue in the past decade; therefore, learning the basics of rational nutrition contributes to the upbringing of a physically healthy generation as well as to the development of a sense of moral harmony and the ability to perceive the world as a whole.


Mastering the theoretical information presented in the program of the circle, performing a large number of practical exercises, reading and discussing different books, displaying educational videos about proper nutrition in the process of compiling a varied menu will help pupils to master certain knowledge and skills as well as it will guide students in acquiring a knowledge on how to overcome the difficulties of cooking during the process of preparing a meal.

Participants: pupils of grades 7-11

Purpose: to teach students  to eat properly and  the peculiarities of food selection; to prepare healthy, nutritious food from available products; to foster a rational diet; to increase taste preferences for menu selection and healthy lifestyle skills; to cultivate morality, perseverance, patience, diligence and  punctuality.



* Teach students proper nutrition, increase their interest in cooking healthy, nutritious food from available products and lead to recognition of the subtleties of cooking;

* Development of practical skills, preparing diverse menu aimed at expanding knowledge and skills on the peculiarities of food selection, rational nutrition;

* Creating favorable conditions for the formation of a sense of mutual assistance in the environment of cooperation while performing practical exercises


Expected result: pupils will be able to plan preparation of various types of meals, understand the importance of proper nutrition and sanitary requirements, lead a healthy lifestyle and cook healthy, nutritious food from available products.

NIS Komek Taraz

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