“Tulpar” shanyrak

Name: “Tulpar”

Motto:    Асау тұлпар желдей ескен арыңды,

Оқу менен еңбекке сал барыңды


Curator: Кozhakhanova Zhanat Serikbekovna

Number of students: 43

Classes: 7 «G», 11 «А»

Ethnicities: 48 Kazakhs


Shanyrak students attend various clubs such as volleyball, football, choreography and vocals. They take an active part in school and extra-curricular activities, also they support each other. Students participated in regional and republican Olympiads, contests and take prizes.

Basybek Meirzhan is a participant of scientific researchs like  “Ғылым әлемін ашамыз”, “Ғылымның шексіз сырлары” Nauryz meetings, “Almaty NIS chldrens 5cine proyekts”.

Kosherbay Dias is the winner of the – 1st place  of republican contest of the Nauryzov meetings named “Ғылымның шексіз сырлары” and the winner of the 5th place in the Republican contest of young technicians.


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